Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

L.A.C.E. - Psalm 25:4-5 and Zephaniah 3:17

 Make me understand your ways, O Lord!

Teach me your paths! 

Guide me into your truth and teach me.

For you are the God who delivers me;

on you I rely all day long
Psalm 25:4-5

 As a follower of Christ, these verses are the cry of my heart,just as they were King David's.  Everyday, I pray for help as I walk the path the Lord has laid out for me.  

As we walk with the Lord He is good to lead us and teach us, to chastise us, to laugh with us!  He rejoices over us with singing.   Zephaniah 3:17 says "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."  Isn't that an awesome thought?  He is such a personal God.  He who holds the universe together - who spoke the words and it came to be - rejoices over me.

What a precious thing this is to me.  With all my pride and sin, He loves me. 

I really love the line 'He will quiet you by His love.'  I am pondering this one - I think it is going to be big in my life.  I feel like I have had to fight a lot in my life - fight to be understood, fight to be accepted, appreciated.  I haven't always appreciated the gifts that God has given to me or accepted the path He placed me on - I have fought with Him about it but I think that I am beginning to see that as I learn to rest in Him - to give it all to Him - He will 'quiet me with His love.'

I do know that He is good - that even in difficulties He has my best in mind.  He is refining me.  It is not always pleasant but it is good, and I am thankful.

Photo Credit - Lindsay Rabe Photography

Joining Trish at Lily-Rose Cottage for L.A.C.E. 
Lovely, Admirable, Cheerful, Encouragement


sherry said...

yes .. all of it.
((( hug )))


Vee said...

Oh that's a lot to ponder...we used to sing a scripture song with that verse from Zephania. I may have to take it up again today.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Couple of favorite verses there for me, too. I always think of being wrapped up in a smother hug like my old Italian grandma used to do in the "quiet me with His love" verse. His strength alone shuts out my fears from causing me to tremble - I am immovable in His arms!
Good thought - lovely LACE!

Trish said...

These verses are indeed precious!
I have always loved the image of God singing over us!
Isn't it awesome to think about that?!
Such a sweet fatherly picture..Him gently rocking us and singing in our ear to quieten our hearts.
And when we've gone through some 'stuff' in life that's been less than pleasant, and seen how He walked through it all with us, it makes us love Him all the more.
Thank you for linking this lovely post to LACE, my friend.
Have a blessed day in Jesus..Trish

young-eclectic-encounters said...

Thpught provoking post
Thank you for sharing

young-eclectic-encounters said...

Wonderful thought provoking post
Johnina :^A

no spring chicken said...

"He'll quiet me with His love". Thank you for reminding me...

I love Liberty (both the freedom kind, and the horse kind!) and I love the red trailer!!

Blessings, Debbie

Lynn said...

Good words for me to read today. I've been struggling with the path the Lord has me on and I know I need to rest and trust. Thanks for the reminder and candor. I'm your newest follower too. Have a wonderful day.

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