Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Blessing

My friend Kelly shared this blessing on her blog last week. I thought it was very good and a neat reminder to women of all the ways they serve the Lord - through hospitality, making meals, wiping tears, working alongside their husbands.

Blessing of the Hands

Lord, bless these hands as they serve,

Please give them strength from reserves.

Bless these hands that open doors,

Help them welcome rich or poor.

Bless these hands that pick up the phone,

Calling the lost or those alone.

Bless these hands that prepare food,

Reach out, and pray in gratitude.

Lord, bless the hands that help our teens along the way,

And those who teach our little ones to pray.

In every task these hands are used,

Lead then in faithful service to you.



Alicia @ said...

This is very sweet!!! Thanks for sharing this!

Abounding Treasures said...

I really enjoyed this ~ thanks for sharing it :o)

Rose of Sharon said...

I love this! Thank you so much for sharing it. YOu have a very cute blog. I would like to invite you to come over to my blog for a cup of coffee and a nice visit!

:0) Sharon

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