Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 8, 2010

Being Known

But if anyone loves God, he is known by God. 1 Corinthians 8:3 ESV

There are alot of ways to be known.

I am known as a mother, daughter, wife, leader of a homeschool co-op, Christian, home educator.

But does anyone really know me?

I am a "knower" of people. I am interested in people and can remember things about them. I love to use this knowledge when buying gifts for someone - I love to give them something that I "know" is them, that they will love. I do this to show my care and affection for someone.

Over the years I have studied my husband to learn about him. What kinds of things does he like? What kinds of things express love and care to him? What does he like to eat? Knowing these things help me be a better wife to him. One thing he likes is for me to come and hang out with him when he is working on a project, like changing the oil in the car, or chopping wood. He likes my company. If I hadn't studied to know him, I would never have thought that my sitting with him would me anything to him!

I know my children. I have studied them all their lives. I know what will make them happy, or sad. I know what they would be excited over. I use this knowledge to guide them, teach them, love them.

But does anyone really know me?

1 Corinthians 8:3 says " But if anyone loves God, he is known by God." This is encouraging to me. God cares to know me. God knows that I love to read, and to make things for my family. He knows that I am insecure in some areas of my life, and that I hurt when being misunderstood. He knows that I desire to walk with Him, and have my children do the same, to honor Him in our family life and to have it passed down multigenerationally.

Do we take the time to let people know we are thinking of them? All people love to know that they are cared about, that they are known. I am going to make a confession here. Often I feel as if I do all the "knowing" and that I don't get that "being known" in return. I spent the last three days at home due to the snow. I received one phone call during those three days and that was to tell me that church was cancelled!

I encourage you all to know the people in your life and to let them know you care! It is so important, and just may make someone's day!


Autumn said...

You have spoken the truth so well!

Becky K. said...

Ahhhh...a great reminder!

We loved having the girls over and would have enjoyed all of you!


Becky K.

Pink Slippers said...

Sometimes as a Pastor's wife I feel like everyone wants me to hear/listen/help with their problems but no one ever asks me how I am doing with my Dad being VERY VERY sick. Sometimes just a 'how is he doing?' would really make a HUGE difference. I can relate to your post. For me I just continue to put it in God's hands and know he CARES. That is all that should matter to me. Thanks for this post. It made me smile.

Let'sMakeADifference said...

Boy, how true! We MUST make a point to remember to think of others and reach out, or the busy-ness of life engulfs us!

Simple Home said...

A very good post reminding us to remember others. As homeschoolers, we often get so busy with our lives at home that we forget this. Thanks for this reminder.

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling the same way maybe it’s the winter blues. I have come to the conclusion (after studying people for a while) that when we are convinced that we are feeling something that no one else is feeling (it might be sickness, sadness, loneliness, failures or being overwhelmed) that others too have the same exact feelings. And for some reason Satan makes us feel like we are all alone in those thoughts. Sometimes I don't let people know me because I'm not sure they will really like who I really am. - Belinda

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Pink Slippers, I completely understand and it is common for Pastor's wives and Missionary wives to feel this way! I am praying that the Lord will encourage your heart. I also pray for you and your Dad when I read your blog and see his photo.

Marcia, we do all get too busy. Often times we think of others - we just don't let them know that!

Belinda, I know what you are saying. I do think there will always be people who just don't like us - sometimes it is from people thinking we don't have any struggles or are perfect. When I started to share our struggles with our son, many home educating moms expressed thanks - they were struggling too and felt like they were the only ones! I am learning to be more real with people. Whether they like me or not!

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