Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowy Day

It started to snow yesterday sometime after 3:00pm. For a great deal of the time it was tiny flakes, it seemed like maybe the storm wouldn't give us as much snow as they were calling for.

It continued to snow, but it wasn't really laying on the roads when my husband came home.

I made potato cheese soup for dinner, with a nice green salad and garlic bread, while it continued to snow.

Tim, Lindsay, and Kyle took the truck to go and get hay. They got stuck by our gate and used the van to pull the truck out. Still the snow came down...We had family devotions, read, watched a video and went to bed. By then the snow was about a foot deep.

We woke to a winter wonderland...buried cars in the driveway, the barn doors have snow piled up around them...and it is still snowing. It is hard to tell just how much we have because around 11:00 pm it started to get windy and is supposed to blow and drift today...Tim goes in to work today at noon until midnight.. I am praying for clear roads for him. It is supposed to continue to snow until this afternoon.

We will have a fire burning in the wood stove all day and night and will probably do some sewing. I am thankful for our power lines being buried. We rarely lose our electricity, if we do we have our wood stove for warmth and some Coleman lanterns for light when it gets dark. Other than having Tim have to go to work, it is shaping up to be a lovely day.


Tracy said...

I LOVE seeing all of your snow. We're just getting flurries here, but it's so wet from all the rain that we've had and it isn't sticking.

Stay warm! And I pray that Tim is safe in his travels.

Becky K. said...

We are enjoying the day. Warren is just about finished snow blowing all of the driveways that we are responsible for... and paths to the chickens and Grandma Georgia's back door.
I loved seeing that.

We finally watched Cars last night.
While the kids had seen it, Warren and I had not. The Moms came over and watched it with us. Cute.

Becky K.

Tracy said...

It sure is wintertime in our neck of the woods!! My house looks a lot like yours snow everywhere!!

Gina said...

COOL!!! Love the snow pics.. and we had Potato cheese soup for dinner also last night.

Humble wife said...

Oh my you sure had snow alright!! I am speechless at the pic with the stopsign...

snuggle and stay warm and have lots of snow fun!

ps...I think it is neat that your girls have hope chests too!


Kelly said...

I love the snow. I will pray for Tim to return home safely from work, as I am reading this at a time when he is almost finished with his work day. We will miss seeing you this weekend.

Melissa G said...

Wow, that is a whole lot of snow!
So beautiful!

Simple Home said...

The photos of the snow are beautiful, but I imagine it's very cold there. I understand your concern for Tim. It's nice to have everyone home when the weather is like this. Thanks for sharing all of this beauty.

Cheri' said...

On Friday, my husband was reading the weather forecast to me for Washington, D.C. and I said, "I'll bet my blogger friend, Mrs. Rabe will be getting a bunch of that snow too. From you pictures -- you sure did! Beautiful pictures! I hope Tim made it safely home!

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