Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Today - Update

We had a lovely time at the Civil War Ball. The caller was very good teaching everyone the dances. The girls danced a few times, but really were interested in watching. We found that many of the dance steps are familiar since we do some English Country Dancing. We also were happy to see such good interaction between everyone who was there. So now maybe we will have to make a few dresses?

Today I will be puttering around my house, working on some treats for tomorrow, and guiding my family. My husband and I are taking Lindsay and Emily to a Civil War Ball this evening. They don't have gowns from that era, but not everyone dresses formally. They were going to perhaps wear their Regency dresses but may just wear regular dresses. They know dances that are similar to those from the Civil War era, so they should have fun.

Tim is working on clearing the driveway - he is using my Dad's snowblower. The snow is so piled up everywhere. Some roads that drift badly are single lane, you must use caution when driving! The majority of roads are perfectly clear and dry. I truly hope that we don't have a quick warm up which would melt the snow quickly! Our property can get pretty muddy in certain areas and that would make a huge mess, especially down where we want to put our raised beds.

Lindsay and I have been compiling a list of seeds to purchase for our garden. We are planning to get seeds from Heirloom Seeds. It is important to us to purchase non hybrid or genetically modified seeds, so that we can save seeds from year to year. Typically the seed packets you buy at stores like Target are hybrids or genetically modified and cannot reproduce themselves from their seeds, they are sterile.

I have been watching a movie on Netflix called "Food, Inc." It is scary and eye opening. I hope to finish it today hopefully!

Did I mention we are considering getting some chickens? Our friends at Laurel Hill Farms, gave us some wonderful eggs from their Rhode Island Reds. They were great. Also Rhode Island Reds are a dual purpose chicken, meaning you can not only eat the eggs, but they are good meat chickens.

Who knew a girl from Southern California would end up being a homesteading type! It just proves to me that God has a sense of humor!


Becky K. said...

I have seen Food Inc. I agree that it makes you think!

Hope everyone has a great time at the Ball!

Tracy said...

I hope that you all have a wonderful time at the Civil War Ball. Sounds fun!

Autumn and I recently watched Food, Inc. It was eye- opening, indeed.

We're considering getting chickens in the spring. I hear that Rhode Island reds are good, too.

reneejv said...

We just watched "Food, Inc." last night. I expected to be grossed out by new information about how food is processed, but I was down-right shocked at the treatment of human beings involved in our food systems. A Smithfield ham will never again grace our Easter table, and the farmers that produce our CSA share are my new heroes.

Simple Home said...

My girls would love the Civil War Ball. We have friends in Missouri who organize English Country Balls too, but they're a little too far away for us to attend :-) I'm glad you had fun. I'm trying to catch up on my reading. We just got FIOS today for our computer and I'm amazed at the difference in speed.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...