Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Again and Book Talk


I just heard an interview with a representative from Penndot saying that the foot of snow we have is the mild part of the storm..."the snow overnight was only coming down about 1/2 inch an hour." They expect that to pick up greatly today as we get up to another foot or more.

Add to that the winds are coming this afternoon, and will blow the snow that is falling as well as the snow on the ground creating blizzard conditions!

Amazing! The five day forecast is showing snow for Monday as well. This is not usual for us here. When you don't have to go anywhere it is fine, not too much trouble. Although taking the dogs out and feeding the horses can get tricky! Fortunately for me my 'Girl in Nature' handles these things.

To really enjoy this storm, the girls have their good pal Chelsea, from Hospitality Lane, here to be snowed in with them. So far they have made bread and brownies, both of which will be gone early today, so I for see more baking on the horizon. We had a great spaghetti dinner last night, the girls made a short movie - a favorite passtime - we had family Bible study, clean up and then while the little ones and Tim and I headed for bed, the three older girls went downstairs to enjoy a movie together. I do not know what time they went to bed - but I am letting them sleep in!

I got up early this morning and put Tim's lunch together. He did some shoveling of the driveway. He also made sure to pack extra things in the car, in case he needs them, as he will be coming home in blizzard like conditions. He called a few minutes ago to let me know he got to work safely. He leaves early in weather like this so that he can drive slowly...a 25 minute trip normally took him an hour today. I am so thankful for his skilled driving and for the protection God provides.

Now I have begun the discussion of whether we will cancel co-op for tomorrow. I believe we will and am leaning toward doing it early rather than wait until the last minute.

We have finished 'Little House In The Big Woods', and have started on 'Little House On The Prairie.' What fun to read these again, and to read them aloud to my youngest children. They are filled with so much information about daily life for these pioneers. I had these books as a girl, but a certain child of mine, who shall remain nameless, went through a stage at about 2 years old of tearing books apart - starting with tearing the covers and more off of my Little House Books! She then got interested in reading this series when she was much older, so I had been trying to buy the hardback books for her. On day at Goodwill we found the whole series in paper back for .25 cents a book!

Another author I have started to read again is Grace Livingston Hill. Anna at Pleasant View Schoolhouse got me interested in reading them again. She has a blog that is filled with quotes from GLH books. It is called "Neat and Dainty as a Flower." They are writing by a Christian woman in the 1930's and they are filled with talk of daily home life and Christian living. Nothing inappropriate here! I went to a Mennonite Book Store the other day that sells used homeschool curriculum and books, as well as new books, teacher supplies etc...I found several GLH books for less than $5.00 a piece. One bought in paperback version was $1.50!

I recently read "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society." I thought it was very good. I love history and felt that this book taught be an aspect of WWII history, that I was not familiar with. It has a bit of swearing, just a few words here and there, and it is pretty graphic with descriptions of what life was like under Nazi occupation, so I wouldn't recommend it to younger readers, but your upper teens and up would be fine with this book.

My sister in law has started a book blog "Reading Has Addled My Brain." If you like to read and share book recommendations then check out her new blog. She mostly hangs out at Gathering of Friends.

Well, that's what is going on around here! What kinds of things do you like to do when the weather keeps you inside?

1 comment:

Becky K. said...

Can you believe my Dad used to get frustrated that I would read such fluff as Grace Livingston Hill?

Oh well, I still think of some of the helpful housekeeping and budget hints today. I haven't read one of her books for a very long time....gotta do that!

But now, I am going to go make coffee and breakfast for Warren and I.

Thanks for letting me know that Chelsea is doing well. I know she loves it there.

We should all remind our kids to be careful about snow collapse when they play in their igloos. I just saw some parents on TV whose 8 year old daughter suffocated when hers collapsed on her.

So nice that he is home. No plow on our road....

Becky K.

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