It is only 23 days until Spring...however a local almanac is calling for 40 inches in a March snow storm...after the Winter we have had, I believe anything!
Looking at photos from my Spring garden makes me happy today! What things are making you happy?
Planning a meal with the Moms tonight makes me happy. They are doing the cooking...((smile))
Becky K.
I would love to have peonies in my yard. That would make me very happy. ;0)
Cooking, hugs from my children, and being in my husband's arms. Not necessarily in that order!
Creating special memory moments for my family makes me happy...serving God as mommy and fiance make me happy...reaching out to women who are hurting brings me joy...being the daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords makes me happy! Sunshine makes me happy...oh gosh so much! thanks for the opportunity to share!
The Love of God, My husband and my children and now grandchild! Nothing else is as important as this!
And its only..*drum roll*..11 Days until my birthday!
That makes me happy:o)
I was just looking through my photos for Spring pictures too, and I'm almost ready to get my garden started. I guess I'm getting anxious for Spring.
We live in Oregon, and it's getting closer to Spring like weather! So I'm really looking forward to all the wonderful colors! :D
~ Heather from Bizy Janes
Just being at home with my family and playing games together and talking and laughing makes me happy.
You and Becky certainly seem to have Spring Fever this week. I do look forward to warmer weather to get outside more, but I'm enjoying the snow, and secretly hoping that that 40 inches IS coming -- oops, my secret is out! Hee! Hee!
Anything spring related makes me happy! I can't wait for the Peonies to be in bloom again! Love your photos!
Kat :)
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