Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I Love My Church

Tonight we hosted our church's bimonthly Friday night Bible Study.  For a few years we were meeting at the church, but now we are meeting in homes.  We take turns with the Hospitality Lane folk as we both have enough room to host about 25 + people, and we live near to the church.

It is always so neat to get together with our brothers and sisters from our church fellowship, and tonight my Mom and Dad came too!  We spend time singing first, with our pastor Mike playing guitar, and Anthony who is 15 plays his mandolin.  He has a new one that is very sweet and he is able to plug it in to be heard through the sound system.  Very cool.  Tonight Anthony and Nick's younger brother requested a song called the "Papaya Song."  Not a favorite of mine, but I got such a kick out of watching their younger brother sing and enjoy this song!  Made me smile and giggle!  He loves it so!

We are studying in the book of Judges now, tonight we talked about Gideon.  I think I am like Gideon sometimes - I want the Lord to lay His plan all out there for my life so I can know what is going to happen.  However the Lord wants us to walk by faith - in relationship with Him and not on our own power and knowledge.

We also spent time in prayer - lots of requests - one for my sweet sister in law Esther, Jon a neat man from our fellowship, a gal who came into Denny's store today, a family's adoption.  We prayed for a man who is on his way home, perhaps there by now, from a week long business trip.

There are so many needs in our world today and Jesus is the only answer.

We are so blessed to have such wonderful church fellowship - these are folks who will get into the trenches with you!  I am thankful for everyone of you!


Becky K. said...

I was blessed by a little girl's prayers too.

Did someone say "Apaya"??
Too cute!!!!!!
I couldn't stop grinning that this little one was singing so enthusiastically about God's Love.

Thanks for hosting.
It was a blessing to me.

Becky K.

~~Deby said...

Sounds like a wonderful time of fellowship....and you are so so right we cannot spend enough time in prayer, can we ? The times are getting rougher and tougher...people NEED Jesus...

Phyllis said...

The picture on your post reminds me of my sweet Rachel.

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