Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kamryn Visits Grandma's House

My sweet granddaughter paid a visit to her young aunties and uncle on Saturday.

They were so thrilled to finally see her and to get to hold her!

It was so sweet of Nate and Kay to think of the kids and to go out of their way to bring her by, especially since she had just been released from the hospital!

All of our children love babies, but this wee one is special.  She is a part of us.  The kids big brother's child - our 1st born's 1st born.  Awesome...

Thanks Nate and Kayleigh for your thoughtfulness...she's a keeper!


Becky K. said...

Wonderful pictures! The joy is evident!

Tracy said...

I'm thrilled that she's been released from the hospital and got to go home!

What a special time for your family!

Anonymous said...

I love all of those photos. Sooooo sweet!


Melissa G said...

Look at all those proud smiles!
She's a keeper for sure!

Karen said...

I love their smiles! How exciting it must be for them-I wanted so much to be an auntie when I was their ages. One of my school friends was and I thought it was the coolest thing.

Glad she's home now!

Andrea said...

She is definitely a keeper...beautiful. GOD is awesome!!

Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement, and support. You are a blessing!

kaitlin said...

I LOVE THEM ALL!!!! i love the one of all three of them!! soo cute!!


Martha said...

What a cutie!

Bee said...

Wonderful!! Grandma!!

Kelly said...

Great photos and beautiful smiles! Love the photo of Nate, Kay and Kamryn. Nate certainly looks proud!

Home Keeping

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