Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Love My Life

and why shouldn't I?

I have so many blessings.  I thought that on this day, Sunday, I would write some of them out.

I am blessed to be a child of God.

I have an amazing husband.

I have a great family.

I have wonderful parents.

I have a sweet little cottage to live in.

I have two horses in my backyard!

We have a garden of veggies growing. 

We have a garden of lovely flowers growing and blooming.

We have a strawberry patch!

Our only debt is our mortgage - and we are on track to pay it off years in advance of the scheduled date.

We have a precious church family.

We have great friends.

We have nice dogs.

We have a riding mower!  It is old and has issues, but it works well.  I have to mow 2 times a week - takes about 1 1/2 hours each time - so I am very thankful!

We live a simple life.

God has been so good to us, and I wanted to share some of these blessings!

Now it's your turn.  How have you been blessed?


Phyllis said...

I too am blessed to be loved by someone who died for me. I am blessed to be married to the same man for 50 years. I have 2 wonderful God loving children. I have a son in heaven and was blessed to be his mom. I am blessed to live in Pennsylvana, USA. I am blessed to attend a great church where the truth of God is preached with no apologies. I am blessed to have 10 grandchildren and I great grandson and a great granddaughter due any day. I love my home and family and the Lord with all my heart.

Donna W. said...

Well, I'm sure you feel this way too, but two of the things that I feel especially blessed with are my precious children and that we live in a country where it is legal to homeschool and keep our kids home where they belong. Your yard looks wonderful!

Tracy said...

First, your little Kyle is adorable! His new glasses make him all the cuter.

I, too, am blessed to be a child of God. I'm blessed by a wonderful husband who loves me and makes me feel beautiful even though I'm an average girl. I'm blessed by my children- their loving hugs and kisses, and "You're the best momma that ever momma-ed".
I'm blessed to be able to stay in my home each day doing what I love to do.

~~Deby said...

I am blessed..because I am saved and know it...I am blessed because I have a husband that loves me unconditionally...I am blessed in so so many ways...and I will add I am blessed by meeting wonderful people via you..

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