Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Baking And Opportunities

 One of the things that I treasure about my home making is the opportunity to learn new things.  Yesterday, while reading a blog that was new to me, I saw this bread.  Since I had planned to make bread anyway, I decided to give this a try.

I made my regular recipe for white bread and made it into a round shape - then we cut it up so that it looked like a bloomin' onion and added melted butter, garlic and herbs.  We topped this bread with mozzarella cheese as that is what we had.  You could use Parmesan, or an Italian blend of cheeses.  It was so good!

 I say we did this but after I made the bread Emily and her pal Chelsea did all the cooking.  I supervised - it's a skill I get from my dad.  :)
We had Chicken and Pasta, the bread and green bean casserole.  

We finished off dinner with some homemade chocolate chip cookies.  

The recipe for Chicken and Pasta is simple.

Chicken breast (you could use dark meat if you wish)
zucchini or yellow squash
sour cream
Parmesan cheese (or an Italian blend)

Saute chicken in butter and cut into pieces.  When nearly cooked through add the zucchini.  When soft add sour cream and cheese - let it melt in.  Meanwhile cook the pasta of your choice and when done drain and add it to the chicken mixture.  

How easy is that?  I like to serve it on my huge white platter and sprinkle parsley around on the platter. 

Also I wanted to mention that the blog that I was reading yesterday is one that is written by a dear woman who lost her husband in those horrible tornados last week.  Her last post was from Easter and includes a sweet photo of she and her husband and of their home and farm.  3 days later the Lord completely changed their lives.

Here is a link to her blog - A Baker's Dozen Barnhouse News 

Also here is a link to video about the Lee family. 

We are praying here daily for all of those who are suffering from these kinds of devastating losses.  Won't you join us in holding them up before the Lord?


Tracy said...

How quickly life can change. Praying that she finds peace, and that the Lord comforts her in her mourning.

Your bread looks yummy, too!

Becky K. said...

I went over to visit her blog. It is unbelievable to look at the photo of them together and then realize that in a matter of moments he was with Jesus. Wow! It really makes one think.

Praying for their family and others who are in the same grief.

Your bread looks so amazing. I'm glad the girls got to cook...and that you supervised. :-)

The Pennington Point said...

Thanks for the link and the wonderful bread recipe. The family that lost their father and their home are friends of ours and are incredible people. I am so glad you wrote about them. Lisa~

Joy said...

Your bread looks great!

I feel so sad when I look at the Lee's blog. I just found her blog I think the day the tornado happened (and I didn't have any idea who she was or what was happening). I saw the photo of the two of them and thought, "what a sweet couple!" I can't look at that photo now without crying.

Anonymous said...

Life can change quickly. Thank you for sharing the links. They will be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

The bread and chicken and pasta and green beans and cookies were all realllllly good! It was fun to help a wee tiny bit! :o)


Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...