Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Such A Good Day

We had such a good day...

Tim and Nate went to run errands and have breakfast together for Nate's birthday.  Rachel and Sarah had a sleepover with Grandma and then went bowling and for pizza to celebrate Rachel's birthday next week.

Emily and I went to lunch before evaluations, Kyle came along, too.  He is so fun and dear.  He had fun doing his word search and watching the tv show about volcanoes!

Emily had her evaluation first and did very well.  Tracy, our beloved evaluator, said she loves to evaluate Emily.  "She sees what I am looking at in her portfolio and starts talking about what she learned or liked.  I don't even have to ask any questions."  She has been our evaluator for 7 years - that means Emily was 10 the first year she did our evaluations!

Rachel and Sarah also had evaluations and Sarah had achievement testing, as well.  They both did very well.  So this year is finished and now we just have graduation on Thursday evening!  

When we got home we had a message on our answering machine that made us all very excited!  Did I tell you that on Saturday Lindsay left her purse in a Chick-fil-A in Georgia?  And that she didn't even realize it until we were 5 1/2 hours down the road?  Sigh...we called the Chick-fil-A and were told no one had found it or turned it in.  We left our number and said to please call if it was found.  She quickly inventoried what was in there - made a fast call to the credit union to cancel her debit card - and was so sad that she had lost the memory card with all of the photos of Grammy on it!  Ugh!

Guess what?  This afternoon a sweet woman from that Chick-fil-A called and said they "had something that belonged to Lindsay" and could she please give her a call?  Her purse will be in the mail tomorrow!  Praise the Lord!  Answered prayer, indeed!  I asked Lindsay if everything was still in it and she said, "I didn't even think to ask!  I was so excited!"

We also had dinner with Nate and Kay and a couple that are friends with them.  We have known Tyler since he and Nate were 5.  They both are the oldest of 6 siblings and both have 4 sisters in the middle and the youngest sibling is a brother!  All nearly the same ages as well!

What a good day it has been.  I am thankful that the Lord is with us in these good days, as well as the bad days....


Becky K. said...

I am so happy that Lindsay's purse was found and is being returned. Those photos are precious to all of you, I know.

Tracy was probably especially glad for Emily after Chelsea, who remains pretty quiet.

Bee said...

I'm so glad you're getting her purse back. Emily lost a purse years ago. She put it down in the grocery store to help bag the groceries and left without it. When she got it back, everything was in it except the money. She had her birthday money in the purse, it was so sad...

Simple Home said...

I have no idea what evaluations are like, but I imagine they might be a little nerve wracking. We don't have to do them here. So glad it went well :-)

Information Friday

  Yesterday, my parents celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Tim and I took them on a short road trip to Havre de Grace and we enjoyed...