Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 27, 2011


 Our county has the largest number of homeschoolers in the state.  We have an organization that provides insurance for support groups, as well as quarterly breakfasts for support group leaders, a monthly newsletter, and they organize a graduation every year.  Nate and Lindsay both opted not to participate in this graduation.  If you click on their names, you can read about their choices for how they wanted to celebrate finishing high school.

Emily wanted the big graduation and a chance to participate with several of her friends - our co-op had quite a few graduates this year; Emily, Chelsea, Emily, Bethany, Vanessa, Emily, Josh, and  Amber! There were a total of 90 graduates who participated in the graduation this year!

 Here Tim and I are meeting Emily on the stage.  The couple at the podium read a brief statement about Emily, her plans etc, and after she hands me a rose, we hand her a diploma, and hug.  During our hug she said "I love you Mom.  Thank you for everything!"  She is a happy girl.

 Here are the caps flying after the announcement that they are the Graduates of 2011!  The black caps against a black ceiling may be hard to see, but if you click the photo it should enlarge.

After the ceremony they have a reception time where your guests can congratulate your graduate.

 Here is Jenny from our church.  She is an amazing woman from China.  Our church is so wonderful - so many came out to celebrate with Emily and Chelsea

 Lindsay and Emily...Emily smiled the whole evening!

 Here are more of the family - the younger kids were so excited for Emily - so sweet to see.

 This gentleman is a friend and co-worker of Tim's.  They used to go to breakfast a lot and sometimes Emily got to go along.  He always would tease her and she has very fond memories of him.  She sent him a graduation announcement/invitation and he came!  She was so excited.  He honored her in a huge way by coming to her graduation.

 Afterward, we went to Applebee's with the Hospitality Lane gang, my parents, the Finefrocks and Denny from our church, for a bit of sustenance.  We have to be at the church, where graduation is held, so early that we didn't have time for dinner.  Tim and I shared a half-price appetizer and a dessert.

I guess she like the whole evening...she gave it a thumbs up!

Congratulations on finishing this stage of your life well.  We are so excited to see what the Lord has for you!


Becky K. said...

Thanks for coming out to Applebees. Even though we were at different tables and didn't get to chat it was nice to know you were there. The kiddos had a blast.

Great post!

We are so blessed, aren't we?

Bee said...

Congrats to Emma! Many blessings for her future! You did a great job!
Food afterwards!!! We were all starving too and very tired.

Terra said...

Your daughter and everyone at the graduation look so happy, it is a joy to see.

Phillip said...


Vee said...

Some events are just made for celebrating. I'd say that it was a memorable evening for your family and to share it with friends makes it all the sweeter.

sherry said...

sweet congratulations to your precious daughter! how quick the memories return of my own daughter's graduation. wonderful times. bless you all dearly!!!!!

as to the quote you asked about ... please do use it! and please attribute it to Beth Redman. i'll be doing the same once i'm home from this little getaway.

Karen said...

Congratulations to Emma-and to her Momma/teacher, of course.

Love your pictures-I especially like the last one with the silly expression.

Kelly said...

Congratulations Emily! We are looking forward to celebrating with you tomorrow. We were glad to be a part of your special evening, even though we couldn't join you for Applebee's.

Emma* said...

Thanks everyone for your sweet comments. It was a busy, but wonderful day.
I was so blessed by everyone that came to share my exciting day!

Emma* said...

Thanks everyone for your sweet comments. It was a busy, but wonderful day.
I was so blessed by everyone that came to share my exciting day!

Crystal’s Health Corner said...

Congratulations again to both of you! Nice post Aunt Deanna

Praise God!

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