Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Day Of Preparation

Today I will be

- sewing up the skirts I got cut out yesterday but not sown
- packing for a night away while we go to our homeschool convention
- packing for our vacation
- keeping laundry moving through all it's phases
- keeping children fed and happy
- watching for the farrier
- planting the rest of our garden/or at least encouraging Lindsay while she does it

Yesterday I ended up mowing our property and then taking a trip to Costco in preparation for our vacation.  Someone stopped by unexpectedly at dinner time and so I ended up not sewing but at least the skirts are cut out and it should take no time at all to sew them up!

Thanks for all your kind comments on the material for my skirt.  I will show you a photo of it when it is done.

Tim picked up a freezer for us last night for $50!  A guy he works with was selling it!  He also built four new raised beds for our garden!  Time to plant!

I need to get busy now...I will check in when I can over the next few days, and I would covet your prayers for us in our travels!



Becky K. said...

I can't remember if I was able to leave a comment about your Mother's Day gift...Blogger was refusing to let me post comments off and on for a few days...but that is great!!

What a way to increase the amount of time you'll be able to enjoy your deck.

I am sure you will enjoy the convention. Sounds like a great lineup.

We are off and running to Manheim today and then to the Mall to search for a graduation dress, which boggles my mind since they are wearing gowns....but it seems to be important. smile

detweilermom said...

have Fun at the Convention and while you are on vacation

sherry said...

will keep you and yours in prayer, yes.

your plate is a happy heaping helping.
love it.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

We turned from cold and wet weather to hot and humid overnight, breaking a record with 90 degrees yesterday.

I got out early this morning to plant bush beans before the heat set in. We're to return to normal (low 70s) by the weekend but this IS the Midwest where normal is laughed at. :)

You're making me tired just reading all you have to do!

Tracy said...

I hope you have an especially love trip, Deanna.

Vee said...

Oh my, you sound crazy busy. Have a wonderful time away...

Simple Home said...

Have a wonderful trip!! I'll pray for you and your family. I read you post about the pergola. It looks wonderful. You have an incredible view there :-)

Joy said...

It sounds like you have been very busy! I like the material for your skirt, too!

Crystal’s Health Corner said...

I know who to call, email or FB<-- goodness technology these days! when our family grows! Cause even before baby girl came along I felt there weren’t enough hrs in a day!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...