Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 6, 2011

On Vacation


Actually, Tim's vacation starts tomorrow.  But he may work - 12 hours - it would be overtime.  I'm thinking he's going to do it! 

This is the first time he has ever taken two weeks off at one time.  We will be going to our home school convention next weekend and then we are heading to Florida for a week to visit Tim's Mom, his sister, our niece and her new baby, and our good friends Rick and Jane.

  Here is a sweet photo of Tim's mom, sister, niece and great niece!  We can't wait to see them!

I am working on pulling the kids portfolios together before vacation, because the day after we get back is our evaluation day!  

Well, the sun is shining, and there are many things on my agenda for today; groceries, a few projects around the house, Bible Study tonight.  I need to get busy.

Have a beautiful day.


KellyinPA said...

I will be at CHAP too, I can't wait:) And a Florida vacation sounds wonderful after all this rain we have had. Maybe by the time you get back it will be sunny and 70 here in PA;)

Becky K. said...

Wow! Evaluations the day after vacation? You are jumping right back in when you return.

See you tonight, Lord willing.

I know you are going to enjoy Vee's blog. Take the time to really get to know her...she is a gem!

Melissa G said...

Yay for Vacations! Enjoy your time off! Wish i could join you guys in FL while you are there. =)

Tammy said...

Enjoy your vacation!

Rebecca said...

Organization will carry your through - along with a lot of stick-to-it-ive-ness. Have a wonderful, wonderful vacation!

Brenda said...

I always love stopping in on your blog. It is like visiting a friend. A vacation is a beautiful thing and I wish you lots of enjoyment. I also want to wish you a wonderful "Mother's Day! You are truely blessed.

Your friend in Texas,

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a beautiful day too, Deanna, and a wonderful vacation!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have all kinds of fun things coming up!

Have a Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you safe travel and a wonderful time visiting friends and family.

Tracy said...

WOW! You have a lot to do! I'll be at the convention too.

Simple Home said...

Have a wonderful time, and Happy Mother's Day!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

We remember evaluations and portfolios, too. Our daughter graduates college next week, so we haven't done it for some time. CHAP convention was always fun.

Have a good vacation.

Darryl and Ruth : )

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