Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

From Beauty to Frog Legs...

 We spent the first half of our day in Mount Dora.  I love to visit this little town.  We had lunch at The Garden Gate.  It is so pretty and very 'Shabby Chic' in style.

 Can I just say that I adore my family?  We had such a fun time together.  We all ate really good chicken salad, quiche, carrot soup, rosemary chicken pie...

 My little handsome guy.  He loves to sit by me!  When we left those sweet ladies sitting in the background talked to him and were so taken with how well he did during lunch...he charmed them of course!

 Beautiful, but simple flowers on the tables...

 Photos being taken everywhere at our table!

 Very pretty lighting!

Later in the day we picked up Grammy and she took us to Buffet City!

 Turns out it is mostly a Chinese food buffet - which is fine because we like that kind of food.  But they had one surprising item on the menu...

 Frog legs!

 Kyle tried it too - he said "it's good" but he didn't know what he had tried.  When the girls told him he said "Cool!"  This is him eating jello and an egg roll.  Great combo, eh?

 Emily tried the frog legs...
 Lindsay tried the frog legs...

 And I tried a piece of the meat!  The verdict?  Very salty and chewy to eat.  The frogs in our creek are safe!

 Here is Grammy.  She is quite the woman.  She will be 90 years old in 5 months.

 Sarah sat with Grammy.  Sarah is a talker and so is Grammy!  Later we went to my sister in laws home and had tea and a good visit.  It's fun to spend time together.  Such a treat.

Tomorrow we are swimming and visiting with friends...Thursday we head to the Gulf of Mexico!


Simple Home said...

It looks and sounds like you're having a wonderful time :-) I've never tried frog legs before...I'm not sure I'd try them if I had the "opportunity" either :-) Pretty daring of you all, I'd say :-)

Rebecca said...

Such fun experiences - and so special when shared with family! I'll take your word for it about the frog legs...

The Garden Gate looks WONDERFUL. Makes me hungry for everything you enjoyed there. (I have a recipe for carrot soup. Haven't made it in ages!)

I pray for safety in your travels and the creation of many, many wonderful memories!

Becky K. said...

Thanks for trying the frog legs for me. I feel no need to do so now and won't think I am missing a thing.

The tea shop looks delightful. You look as if you are getting tan. Very pretty picture.


sherry said...

what happy hearts. :o)
frog legs? i think not.
try octopus once. *once*
nuff' said on that.
so thankful you're having
a delightful time.
mt. dora is a wonderful
little town. when i visit
my father we always
venture there...

Tracy said...

What fun! I love the first photo of you, too! So pretty!

How sweet that Rachel and Grammy got to sit together and enjoy one another's company!

Vee said...

It's wonderful to see a family spending quality time together. I thought you were going to tell us that frog legs taste like chicken, which is how I would describe them. (It's been a very long time since I last had any.)

Grammy is so cute and I'm glad that she has no trouble keeping up her end of the conversation. Your little boy is a cutie patootie.

Kelly said...

Looks like you are all having a wonderful time. We like to try new things as well, but I'm with Becky. I have no need to try the frog legs after hearing your opinion:)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time is being had by all! I'm with the other ladies, no frog legs for me! (o:

Crystal’s Health Corner said...

That’s a great picture of you! You are so pretty!

Mt Dora is a nice place to visit & eat. Your kids are so well behaved I can see why they were impressed by Kyle.

Fun pictures of the frog leg eating!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...