Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Village Squire Entertaining The New Minister - Edward Lamson Henry

The turkey is slow roasting, the smell spreading through the house.  Everyone is still snug in bed, savoring the chance to sleep in.

I have been thinking about the Pilgrims, who risked everything to come to a new world in order to have the freedom to worship the Lord differently than the way the official church was worshiping. I wonder if I would have that kind of courage.

We will be feasting today, and giving thanks for the abundant blessings we have been given,

God's Word
Our home
Two vehicles
3 horses
2 dogs
1 cat
Comfy beds
Warm blankets
Shoes - more than one pair

The list of course could go on and on...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Cheri' said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your lovely family! I'm using your method of roasting my turkey -- and it is turning out beautifully! Thanks so much for posting it last year. I used it then and again this year!! Mmmmm good!

Sue said...

Wishing you and your family a most blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. A wonderful thankful list.

Simple Home said...

We're going to my brother and sil's house, so I don't have the smell of turkey roasting in my house today. I'm looking forward to it though. Have a wonderful day with your family!

Humble wife said...

Happy Thanksgiving! You are such a lovely person and I am blessed to have met you!


Cheryl said...

And how that list goes on and on!
Hope your day was full of joy and blessing!

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