Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas....

 Emily, Sarah, Kyle, Tim and I went to pick out a tree yesterday.  This is the one we chose.

 Emily found it and pointed it out to us...

 Here it is this beautiful with the morning light streaming in through the windows...

 I really like the top of the piano...

 And the bookcase at the end of the hallway...

I have some wreaths and garlands for outdoors yet and then I'm done.  Sarah, Kyle, Kayleigh and I all worked hard yesterday.  I like to get it done early and then really enjoy it all season!

We host a lot of people during the holidays and it is beginning tonight with a friends' birthday!  Just a small gathering but it'll be fun.

Are you decorating yet, or do you like to wait until later in the month?


Melissa G said...

It looks beautiful! It's the perfect tree. =)
We're hoping next weekend is nice and cold so we can go to a christmas tree farm here and get our tree. It needs to be cold so it feels like christmas.

Anonymous said...

Oh Deanna, all of your Christmas decorations are just lovely....

Unknown said...

Everything looks wonderful....I have a wreath to make, and next week when we go to town, we will pick out our Christmas tree. Otherwise, the nativity is out, the Christmas mugs are being used, and the lights will be strung sometime over the next week. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

Sue said...

Your tree is beautiful I especially like what you did on the piano. Like you I like to get my decorations up early so as to enjoy the month of December. We worked on the outside today as our weather was once again beautiful.
I also remember the family going and picking out a tree, it was always so much fun. It looks like you all had fun too.
Thanks for your visit, and for your sweet comment.

Simple Home said...

Christmas is looking beautiful at your house :) We haven't had a real tree in years. I sure miss them, but have two kids with pretty bad allergies and they were always so much worse when we brought in a tree.
I just started decorating today :)

Jorgelina said...

Your tree is beautiful.

Cheryl said...

Yes, Christmas decorating is in full swing at our house! We, too, like to be able to enjoy them for as long as possible.

Your decorations are lovely. (I like the piano too!) I am amazed at how "finished" everything looks already! You guys must be speedy.

Information Friday

  Yesterday, my parents celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Tim and I took them on a short road trip to Havre de Grace and we enjoyed...