Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thinkin' About Christmas

 Our tree from last year!

Don't worry.  I am still embracing Thanksgiving.  It is such a special holiday. A set apart day to give Thanks to our God for all His blessings.
However you do all realize that with Thanksgiving only 1 week away - that means the next day will be decorating day!  Oh, yeah!  
 I really like a natural look for Christmas - along with red plaid, and that is what I will do again this year.  No lime green or aqua colors for our holiday decor (though we love to wear those colors!).

 The way I change things up is to use my things in a different way each year, or perhaps move something to a different room.  Every room gets some Christmas cheer, even if it is just some greens or lights.

So let's chat.  Do you decorate for the whole season, wait until just before Christmas, or not at all?  What is your style?  This is my favorite time of year celebrating the birth of our Savior!


Rebecca said...

I definitely love the Christmas season (not winter, so much though). I don't do a lot of planning for decorating ... it will kind of depend how energetic I feel and how deep I want to dig into the storage places....I usually start out thinking "not so much this year", but always end up with more decorations than I expected :)

Unknown said...

We decorate for the entire season and love reds, greens, and white! Your home looks wonderful....may you have a lovely Thanksgiving.

Vee said...

My opinion, for what little its worth, is that Christians should really celebrate. We recognize the reason for the celebration so while everyone is focused on this special holiday, whether believers or not, it behooves us to be involved in Christmas just because it is a time when thoughts are turned to Him (however briefly). I'm not a fan of trendy Christmas colors myself and just found my tartan plaid things from years and years ago so I'll be using them again this year. And one week from tomorrow it'll be decorating time here, too. And I'll be wishing I had all the girl power that you have! =) Your tree was so beautiful last year!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Beautiful decorations.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Being one who avoids stores right after Thanksgiving like the plague, I have usually started decorating the day after Christmas.

When I had a large house and Stephanie still lived at homes, I had a tree in the living room and one in the family room. The one in the living room had a lot of her ornaments on it and the one in the family room was all mine.

Needless to say, she took hers with her when she got married! :)

I love decorating for Christmas and always use traditional cranberry and dark green colors.

Cheryl said...

We decorate for Christmas on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, the day known (in our house) as Christmas Tree Day. However, it usually takes me the rest of the following week to get everything the way I want it! We have some sort of tree in every single room. Excessive? Probably, but we do enjoy it.

To me, it is a month-long celebration to honor the First Coming of our Savior. I agree with Vee that since so many people (true believers, or "christian"-in-name, or just those who enjoy the tradition) celebrate this holiday, that His true followers can demonstrate the meaning of His coming to earth by what and how we celebrate.

However, I have come to respect those who believe differently, even more so since my son has told us that this year, they will not have a Christmas tree for their family.

I've been reading what the Bible says in regard to celebrating "holy days"...Colossians 2, Romans 14, Galatians 4.

Tracey said...

Every year, I like ego add one thing new. This year, I bought a glass santa and snowman for my shelf. Of course, there is always the favourite: a miniature nativity scene that my kids always play with and rearrange. Merry Christmas!

My Cottage Charm said...

Thanks for commenting on my hubbies great feat with his endorsement deals...I'm SO proud of him!
I have been decorating for Christmas all day long today. I do decorate before Thanksgiving because we host a big party for the church choir early in December and I'm too pooped after Thanksgiving to spend DAYS decorating! lol It usually takes me three or four day of intense labor to get it all decorated, but I love every minute of it! :)
Have a great day!!

Ginny said...

I will be pulling out the Christmas decorations either later this coming Thursday or on Friday. Also coming out of hibernation will be my ever-growing snowman collection, which has already been added to this year. Getting all these things out is no easy task, since my daughter and son-in-law (who live with us) have a lot of their things piled high in front of the shelves where the decorations are. We purchased a new artificial tree (I'm allergic to fresh ones), and it's waiting for us in the living room. AND I'm finishing up some cross stitched ornaments, that I'll give to my children when we decorate the tree. The Christmas decorations will remain up until later in January, and the snowmen until late March or early April, depending on the weather.

I just love decorating for Christmas! It's the only season/holiday I go all out for, and in the greyness that is our constant companion in our area, it provides light and cheer as winter hits.

I want to try to put snowmen in many of the rooms in the house this year, instead of crowding them into the living room, and will also try to put more Christmas decorations around the house.

Although we aren't commanded to celebrate the Lord's birth in the Scriptures, I think it is still important to remember the humble sacrifice He made as He came to earth for us. Perhaps we should add Philippians 2: 5 - 11 to our list of passages we love to read this time of year.

Tracey said...

Ginny, I bet your house looks amazing! What a nice way to celebrate this important time of year.

I know that is now collecting the holiday's favourite memories. There are some really nice ones people have submitted. I'm thinking of something to post. Not sure which memory I want to reflect on...

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