Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving Plan

Even though I adore Christmas, I never rush the season.  

I want us to celebrate all we have to be thankful for - we have been given so much!

I love the pilgrims, who came here as separatists from the Church of England.  They had been in Holland for many years and were concerned with the culture and how their children were being influenced by it.

The risked so much to come and make a new place.  A place where they could worship God in freedom.  I love my children knowing the history of Thanksgiving and that it is not about football and shopping.  It is a day to be remember to be Thankful!

Mom and I talked about our menu today - Turkey, of course.  I always slow roast my turkeys overnight.  Here is a link to a post on how I do this.

Emily is going to make mashed potatoes.  She loves them and has been the potato masher for the last several years!  We are also going to do sweet potatoes roasted in a bit of honey and cinnamon.  Stuffing, is a must and my mom is going to make corn, cranberry salad, a pumpkin roll and pumpkin pie.  I am going to make English apple pie and chocolate pie.  We may do a homemade roll too, but not sure yet.

We will be inviting a few others to join us on this special day as well.

We will, of course, set the table beautifully - china, cloth napkins, candles, beautiful glasses, as we like it to be special - a real feast.

What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

I am joining Debbie today for a Thanksgiving link up!  Let's not forget Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

I love your post! thanks for sharing... God bless you...

Vee said...

Slow roasting all night? Hmmm...wonder if that would work for me. Must check it out. Excellent thoughts today, Deanna! I love the story and must try to get the grands a book on the history that is young enough for them to begin to grasp. One sees the hand of God all over that history.

Cheryl said...

Deanna, I am sooooooo with you on savoring the Thanksgiving holiday before moving on to Christmas. I, too, love Christmas but I like to eke everything out of Thanksgiving before moving on. :-)
Thank you for sharing your Thanksgiving plans. (And I like the picture you chose to begin the post.)

Babs said...

I enjoyed your thoughts on Thanksgiving. I love both Thankgiving and Christmas, and I'm holding on to Thanksgiving for dear life while dreaming of Christmas. :)
Thanks for visiting and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Babs said...

I may have sent you two comments that are the same.i think I exited before I sent the comment, duh!
And, I forgot to tell you that I'm your newest follower.

no spring chicken said...

One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving is the familiarity of the traditions. It's like on this night you could visit almost any American home and find the same thing... family, thankful hearts, and Turkey with all the same fixins'. It's a day that slows down to a rhythm that is felt by all at the same time!

Blessings, Debbie

Beth said...

Mmmmm...Thanksgiving is just around the corner!! I love this holiday!
Roger will be making his annual Turkey in our big crockpot. He adds orange juice and cranberries and it is just wonderful!!
Jennie will make a pumpkin/pudding pie and sweet potatoes.
Marci will make something "gluten free" and Becca will make a baked cheesecake.
The other married children in the family will bring lots of yummies, too.

It's pretty nice to have some big kids in the family now....

I may take a nap....

Debra from Bungalow said...

Thank you so much for linking up to the everything Thanksgiving link party!

Your dinner sounds delish! I've never roasted a turkey overnight, maybe I should give it a try.

Lovella ♥ said...

Your dinner sounds just delicious. I am ready for Thanksgiving dinner again!
I appreciated your thoughts surrounding why we and you celebrate Thanksgiving.

Simple Home said...

I had to go to your link and read about the slow roasted turkey. My mouth is watering now :) My sil is making the turkey this year, we'll be going to their house. Looking forward to a wonderful day of giving thanks to our Lord for all that He has given.

Vee said...

Just returning to let you know that I followed the directions to a tee and I will never roast a turkey (that I care about eating) any other way. I worried that we'd all get sick and die and risked it anyway. 8} I read a lot of commentary warning of same, but then I started thinking (always good, eh?). My parents had a vintage wood burning cookstove through the 70s oil crunch. My mother would often put potatoes and a chicken in the oven before church around 10 in the morning, and arrive home three hours later to a perfectly cooked chicken and perfect baked potatoes. I think she slow roasted them now that I'm thinking about it. She would say, "I don't know why this works, but it does." Ha!

We all loved it. It was delicious and moist and completely done. So thank you for sharing such a great tip!


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