Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ordinary Days...

 We had a fun and busy weekend.  We cleaned up after our decorating day on Friday, we hosted several families on Sunday afternoon into the evening.  All four girls went to stay at our friends house, with their daughters, while the parents went on a short anniversary trip and their sons were on a hunting trip with their granddad.  

Yesterday, I went to breakfast with my men (that live at home), did a bit of shopping, and then came home to make some Christmas gifts.  

Today, my younger girls are home with their friends, and Lindsay and Emily are at work.  There is baking going on, friendship being shared, and lots of happy smiles.

I also did a bit of knitting...

And a bit of gift wrapping...

 Nothing earth shattering going on here, just the beauty of ordinary days...


Becky K. said...

Ordinary days are good... :-)

Rebecca said...

Ordinary days are SUCH a pleasure to me! I ♥ the way "friends" are woven into your family's life.

Unknown said...

In the ordinary, we live the extraordinary. I love ordinary days.

Vee said...

Ordinary days are what make up the fabric of life. I adore an ordinary day.

I'm going back to comment on your post about slow roasting. Meet you there!

Tracy said...

Ordinary days are the very best kind, for that's what life is made of! xo

JPG said...


Thank you so much for stopping by at my post about Williamsburg. I really was blessed by your comments. Your blog is just adorable. I'm addding you on to my list of favorite bloggy girls.


Kelly said...

Ordinary days are what give us the rest and strength we need to get through the extraordinary days!

I felt the need to spend some time in blogland. I think I've been gone too long.

Anonymous said...

I *heart* ordinary days..... :o)

Cheryl said...

Ahhhhh, I love ordinary days...the stuff of life. I love Mondays, and rainy days, and stay-at-home days. Sometimes I think that I can hear God's voice more clearly during the quiet of ordinary days.

no spring chicken said...

All the things I LOVE about this time of year! I'm glad that you are enjoying it too...

Blessings, Debbie

Sue said...

Sounds like a perfect day to me, thanks for sharing.

Information Friday

  A week ago on Thursday, we celebrated my granddaughter Kennedy's birthday, and the next morning we were on the road to go visit my dau...