Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 23, 2012

Family Photos

We had a lovely Thanksgiving day.  Relaxed for the most part, lots of good food, lots of dishes to wash, and lots of laughter.

Kamryn discovered real whipped cream this year!

 She liked it a lot!

 I used beeswax and orange oil on our table, and then set it very simply.  It was lovely.

 Tim started this craziness....

 Sisterly affection?

 Sarah wanted a photo of them all in the tree!  But the tree wouldn't hold all the kids.  Oh, wait.  Where is Kayleigh?  Yikes I put the wrong photo in!  Urgh...

 Ah, here we go...

Sarah loves she was giving us her undercover detective cute!

So there you have it.  We ate turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, rolls, English Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie, and pumpkin roll.  Delicious!



Vee said...

Love these photography sessions that you guys do. I think I see one who isn't as appreciative. =)

Oh your grandgirlie is so adorable and she has indeed found a very tasty delight.

Your table looks beautiful! (Though, really, you can say "simply" with those candelabras there. ☺☺☺ )

Have a super day!

Rebecca said...

Oh, the pictures are AMAZING! (Wish I'd taken more of OUR gathering with a better camera!) I ♥ your new header & background! Looks like you've officially entered the Christmas season :)

Tracy said...

You have a BEAUTIFUL FAMILY. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Sue said...

Two words, PRECIOUS MEMORIES!! No three words. BEAUTIFUL!!
Thanks for sharing.
Enjoy your day.

Merlesworld said...

Great photos, your family are an interesting lot.

Anthony said...

Haha, I love the photo of Sarah and her 'undercover detective look'! She needs to act in some theatrical plays at some point...maybe she will be the first actress at Sight and Sound from Sonrise! :)


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