Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 12, 2012


Today the girls and I will be taking our annual "kick off the holiday season" shopping trip.

We don't do a lot of purchasing though.  We eat lunch out. Pop into Christmas Shops.  Listen to what the others are oohing and aahing over and tuck that information away for another day!

It used to be that my Mom and I would go.  Then when Lindsay turned 13 she got to come, then Emily.  Then before Rachel was 13 we made an exception for her to come, then the next year it seemed only right to allow Sarah to come too.

The older girls mock and tell us their sad tales of having to wait until they *sniff* were 13 years old to go on this trip!  The poor things!

However when you have a close family, and there is an age gap like we have between the girls, it seemed the better thing to allow them to come along before they turned 13.  If we hadn't this would be the first year that Rachel could come.  And Sarah wouldn't be available for 3 years yet!

I can't believe we are 10 days out from Thanksgiving!  The very full days around here seem to fly by at super sonic speed!

I will try to get photos today, both of us on our outing but of holiday beauty as well.  I definitely need some photos for Vee's  Note Card party this month.  I'll have to post them tomorrow, so I can share them next week as well!

Please pray for one of our young friends from church who took a direct hit from a frisbee to the eye yesterday.  Thankfully we have an eye doctor in our church and he was able to look at it.  There is some concern and he is an eye specialist this morning.  He is 9 years old and feeling a bit of apprehension.  I told him he is going to have quite a black eye, and when people make comments he should say "You should see the other guy!"

Have a wonderful day!


PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

What a wonderful tradition! As the younger sister in my family I can imagine how happy your younger ones are to be included!

Cheryl said...

Deanna, I will be thinking about you dear girls on your shopping trip today! Such memories! (And we, too, waived our age requirement a few years ago, beginning with my niece who came at age 16. We almost took Bekah, 11, this year, but it worked out that she could spend the day at Kristin's. Although she loves to shop, spending the night with her big sister, playing with her nieces and nephews, and their four-week-old kittens trumped shopping!)

Hmmmm...the note card party...too much fun to miss...hmmmm...must gather some pics...

Looking forward to seeing some pictures of your day!

Vee said...

Love the memories of my own shopping trips with my mother and sister and grandmother. My daughter does not shop with me. She says that I waddle too slowly. =)

Oh, I am sad to tell you this, but I have no oomph for the November Note Card Party and have cancelled it. I hope to get back to our regular time for December. At least it's one less thing to do, right?!

Debbie said...

Oh, how well I can relate to the whole bending of the age rules thing. I like to tease my older sister because she is the record keeper of such things as the oldest sibling usually is. LOL

I love what you do and think I need to copy it with our family.

I do lift your young church member for the eye incident. Who would have thought that a frisbee could do serious damange?


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