Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Week Ahead

I find myself in a mood of preparation this morning. Preparing my heart and my home for this week of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving week always makes me feel like we should be remembering those that have gone before us.

In the past I have shared the story of the Pilgrims.   The passion they had to build a new world, one where their children could walk with God and worship Him in the way they felt was biblical, caused them to leave everything behind - homes, family, comforts - everything that was known to them.  They saw themselves as mere stepping stones, they were laying the foundation of something to be built by their children and grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.

I want to live like they did with intentionality.  Is that even a word?  You know what I mean.  It is so easy to let life just slide on by, to miss those moments to talk to our kids, to share life with them and our spouses, our parents.  I am not saying I intend to build a nation but I intend to do my best to build a family that will walk with God for generations unending.

 Our family photo from last year!

The week ahead is going to be busy for us.  We have the store to prepare for Black Friday, Small business Saturday, and hopefully we'll get some action on the website on Cyber Monday.

In the midst of all this, I want to keep my heart and mind fixed on Him.  To take all thoughts captive, and to focus on truth.  I want to read the story of the pilgrims to my children, to help them to learn to be thankful.

What do you do to prepare your heart and home for this wonderful season of celebration?  I'd love to hear about it.  


Vee said...

What a great family photo! Hope that you'll do it all over again this year, too. Your thoughts on building a family that serves the Lord are wonderful. Have a terrific week of preparing for Thanksgiving and the entire season of Christmas as well. All the best with the shop!

Cheryl said...

We are in major prepping mode here too...although I allowed myself a little (coffee) break.

We have been reading Pilgrim Stories (Margaret Pumphrey) as a family read aloud again this year, as it has coincided with Bekah's history studies. We still have a ways to go...not sure if we'll even finish it before Thanksgiving, but it is such an inspiring book. Making our Thankful Tree is also a way that we focus on our blessings. Of course, this year we have been counting down to Thanksgiving for weeks...eagerly anticipating our Thanksgiving travelers!

May you and yours have a delightful day of counting your blessings and praising the Giver! (I'm with sure to take another family picture this year!)

Alicia @ said...

I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving! You have a heart of thanks Auntie Dee, I can see it right through your blog and I know your children see it too. Blessings!

Debbie said...

Love the photo, and I love your words even more. I was saying as much to my husband this morning and working on a post (which doesn't seem to have the necessary wheels... sigh.) So glad you spoke my heart. I, too, want to live as an intentional pilgrim.

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...