Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 24, 2012

Beautiful, Christmas Adam.

It started years ago, when our children were small, Tim named the day before Christmas Eve, Christmas Adam.

We celebrated a beautiful one today.

Church, a special dinner together as a church family, a lovely late afternoon service.  There was beautiful singing, a lovely reading, great instrumental performances. We have so many talented people in our church, especially among the young people.

A highlight was the young children singing " Go Tell It On The Mountain."

I know it is cruel to end it there, but that is where I stopped filming...sorry!

Came home to coffee and snacks, with our precious Texas friends and her wonderful Mom and Dad! God Bless Texas!

 Now today we are celebrating Tim's birthday and tonight will be stockings and The Nativity Story. My parents are bringing the wii and Joseph is bringing a projector for it. The kids have plans to play it until the 'wee' hours of the morning.

What special plans to you have for Christmas Eve? 


Vee said...

Oh I love that! Is that Becky leading that exuberant singing? Sweetness...

(I discussed our plans in my post so won't repeat. I know that you'll get there when you can. Wish our plans included such a fun presentation of "Go Tell It on the Mountain.")

Theresa said...

It sounds like you all had a wonderful time! More fun today:) Have a blessed day dear friend, BIG HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Loved hearing about your Christmas Adam...and love that Tim named it that!

So much to do today...and here I sit lingering and enjoying hearing from my blog friends and celebrating His birth with them! A quiet evening at home is planned, including pizza and Ron and I exchanging our gifts and the girls opening stockings and The Homecoming on dvd...all Christmas Eve traditions. Tomorrow we'll have family in and out all day long...from 7 am until the last one leaves in the evening. We love it!

A very blessed Christmas to all of you Rabes!

Rebecca said...

Christmas ADAM! I ♥ it! (I've been calling it Christmas Eve Eve Eve & Christmas Eve Eve, etc. But I think next year we shall have a Christmas Adam. Merry Christmas to you and "yours"!

My birthday is Christmas Day which we will spend with my parents (I'm carrying in dinner). Our children & grands will be here the end of the week.

Tonight is our Christmas Eve Candlelight service at church. I have responsibility and will breathe easier when it is over :)

Susanna said...

Hey! Did Joseph tell you we call it Christmas Adam at our house, too? So funny!

Sue said...

Oh!! the children singing is just so precious, children sing from their hearts, I can't help but to believe, Our heavenly Father has the biggest smile when their voices reach His ears. Thank you for sharing. We spent our Christmas eve with my mom and my siblings, a great time together.
Wishing Tim a very Happy Birthday wish, our granddaughter, Katie has her birthday tomorrow.

Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed Christmas Day!

Amy said...

Sunday was so very special! Thanks for all your hard work, Rabes!!! We really enjoyed our evening at your house, as well! Love you guys!

And, yes, GOD BLESS TEXAS!!!

Love, your Texas friend!

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