Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Highlights

I woke up at about 8:30 am to find my Mom, Kyle, Sarah, Rachel, and Lindsay all awake and waiting.  I threw together breakfast - the breakfast enchiladas that Manuela shared the link for the other day.  You can find the recipe link on her blog A Cultivated Nest.  We liked it very much and I will be making them again!


  Kyle and Sarah took turns reading Luke 2 for us.  We always want to remember why we celebrate Christmas.

Once everyone was awake and assembled, we began to open gifts.  We take turns and everyone pays attention to what is being given.  It keeps everyone focused and appreciative!

 This little lady is enamored with Strawberry Shortcake which she just calls "cake."  She got quite a few things from her parents that made her call out "Cake! Cake!"

 Sarah made this throw quilt for Kyle, with a wee bit of help.  He used it last night when he went to bed.

 Kamryn and I both got pretty tea things....

 Our nieces came over in the afternoon.  Wild games of spoon were played, more gifts exchanged and great food eaten.

 We played Grandma and Grandpa's wii - Tim, myself, our friend Denny and Emma bowled and we bowled with Kyle.  Then the kids did some other games and Kyle and Sarah played Mario Kart.

 Here we are relaxing and watching the kids on the wii...Rachel was checking out something online...

My Momma showing off her pretty necklace that Rachel made...

It was a beautiful day together!  We even ended up with a white Christmas! Amazing!

I am thankful for Jesus and am happy to celebrate His coming.  The tree while still beautiful, is dry and will be making its way to the burn pile soon, but the Reason for the season remains.

I hope your day was equally special.  I can't wait to visit your blogs to see!


Vee said...

Love hearing about the snow, which just made it that much more special. You were able to sleep in until 8:30? That's great! I was going to try Manuela's recipe...good to know that it was tasty. I did make snowman pancakes with eggnog added to the batter in place of milk. One ate. One didn't. It's the story of my life. Happy that you and Kamryn have tea things and that she'l be enjoying lots of cake. Wow. Sarah did a great job with that quilt!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for sharing some of your memory-making moments with us! Looks like it was a lovely day of celebration...the story of His tea things...a homemade throw...a toddler shouting "Cake"...heartwarming.

Sue said...

A very special Christmas for you and your dear family. I enjoyed reading it so much, especially when children read of the Christmas birth. We too,always take time before opening our gifts to read about the most precious gift ever given.
Thanks for sharing your Christmas memories.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

We celebrated with the newlyweds on Christmas Eve. Had a very nice time.

There is quite the snowstorm raging outside today. Indianapolis is actually having a blizzard but so far the blizzard conditions are staying south of us.

May you have a VERY blessed new year my friend. :)

Vee said...

Meant to say that that is a beautiful photo of your mother! It needs framing.

Simple Home said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! We played Wii until late last night :) We got new games this year. When we first got ours, we played so much bowling, my hip has never been the same :)Many blessings to you and your family in 2013!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...