Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Year In Review

So, I've been reading all these great blog posts reviewing 2012, and with a word of encouragement from Cheryl I decided to do it!

Here we go!

January - Let's Talk Herbs 

This was the most popular post with a post on My Creative Kids,
coming in second.

Herb's are a subject I'd like to discuss more in the coming year.

February - Homemade Laundry Soap 

This post was very popular.  This is still what we do for laundry and are also now making dishwashing detergent for the dishwasher, and making our own toothpaste.

March - Vee's Notecard Party!

This post got 30 comments - not much for some of  you but a lot for me!  This continues to be a big post for me every month, and I have met some sweet new friends through these posts!

The second most popular in March, I only mention because it was about my new glasses!   I can't believe it was way back in March that I got my glasses!

April -  Vee's Notecard Party gets the vote. 

I also spent time missing part of my family as they were in Senegal, but my favorite things in April were our Titanic event at church, and my tulips.

May - Tending To My Home was a favorite.

June - Vee's Notecard Party where I showed off my Hydrangea!  So gorgeous and looking at them now makes me look forward to Summer!

July - My orchid photos for Vee's Notecard Party got the most comments. My Pondering post was a highlight as well.

August - Pumpkin BreadRest and Fellowship, and the August Notecard party, were popular!

September - Evening GlowI Lead A Rich Life, Taking Time To Nurture Relationships were your favorite posts.

October - Saw me sharing Hospitality tips for Cheryl's Blog Party, we Chatted, and I got to meet Cheryl and her lovely family on my birthday (October3rd) in Am I Supposed To Be Having This Much Fun?

November - Our Cyber Monday Giveaway was huge success! I have not yet heard from the winner of the scarf.  If I don't hear from her by tomorrow at noon (December 31st) I will pick a new winner!

December - We shared Tea, you sweetly comforted us, and enjoyed our Christmas decor!

It has been quite a year!  I am thankful for you my friends, old and new.  

May you all have a wonderful New Year!  


Vee said...

Tickled pink to learn that some of your popular posts have been Note Card Party ones. It's because we have such great friends and it's so easy to do. I loved your hospitality posts and I always look forward to any decorating projects you have AND I love those Christmas Tea posts you do and I love seeing what the kids are doing. It becomes more about relationship ultimately I think.

Sue said...

Enjoyed looking back over this past year with you! One of the things I like about blogging is that when our lives are journaled, we can visibly look back with fond memories! The icing is meeting such wonderful ladies, such as you and Cheryl Thank you for sharing.

Cheryl said...

Oh Deanna, it was definitely a highlight to meet you and your wonderful family! And I pray that it was only our first!

Wasn't it fun to wander through your old posts? I am glad you took us on your journey!

Becky K. said...

This was a fun way to review. It makes me want to look back, if only for my own memories.

I love Vee's postcard parties.

See you in a little while for a special celebration of a sweet girl.

Theresa said...

I will be taking a look back at some of those before I met you:) Have a blessed New Year's Eve dear friend, HUGS!

Lorrie said...

Vee's note card parties are a great way to meet people. I think that's how I came to your blog.

Wishing you and your family a joyous and blessed 2013. Happy New Year!

Alicia @ said...

Vee is top ranking! :-)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...