Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, October 26, 2013

31 Days - Loving In Spite Of Differences

Many of you know that our son is engaged, a dad of our darling 3 year old granddaughter and now they are expecting a second child.  

Just for the record (they already know) this is not the order we would have wanted these events to play out.

That said, these children are gifts from God, and we welcome them.  It's a humbling thing to trust God for all the details and to set aside potential anger and bitterness for love.

We're not perfect at this.  In fact, I've spent way too much time this past year being upset that things weren't moving along like I thought they should and feeling resentful at times.  God has convicted my heart, showing me that he has given me another daughter to love and mentor, and I haven't been doing it.

Just days later we found out together, in the ER, that I would become a grandma for the second time.  Kayleigh had been having a pain in her chest that was getting worse so Emma and I went with her to the ER.  Turns out she has some inflammation of her cartilage on the ribcage, and it will heal itself.  But in the course of wanting her to get a chest X-ray they had her do a test to determine if she was pregnant.  She is.

I am sure that many of you have been in the situation of having someone you love making different life choices that you would want for them to make.  I'm certain that you've struggled.  Know this - that God is not taken by surprise by anything and He already knows. 

We can cast our cares and concerns on Him.  He will carry them, and He will give you what you need to love and help your loved ones with what they need.

Is their situation what we feel is ideal for them?  No.  Is God able?  Yes.

Now we are anticipating a new baby grand in May.  May is the month of our family birthday craziness.  Did I tell you that since the first moment we found out, I've had boy on my mind?  Don't know why.

Welcome to the Rabe Family baby.  You'll fit right in.


Becky K. said...

You are right that every child is a gift and no one could deny the blessing that Kamryn has been. She is adorable. Praying that God works in Nate and Kay's hearts to bring them into complete surrender to His will and in so doing blesses them with a Godly family that is a testimony for generations to come. I really care about them as well.

Cheryl said...

Of course, you will adore this new little one!! And I am sure that God will give you grace to be the Godly grandmother/mother in spite of differences...because that is your heart's desire. How amazing that God convicted your heart and then you learned of the changes that are coming! What a comfort to know that He knows it all!

Lorrie said...

Love this. Pouring out grace and love just like God has done for all of us. Thank you for sharing this.

Vee said...

We have no control over anyone's choices save our own. That's plenty scary enough. All children are gifts from The Lord. Your little granddaughter is going to love a little brother or sister. I've been saying this phrase often...things don't happen to us, they happen for us when we know The Lord.

Rebecca said...

Grace to you, my sweet blogging friend.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I have been reading your blog for some time now and feel I must comment. You are one loving, forgiving, grace filled mother. Your children are very lucky to have you. I always say to myself during trials, that God is in control. God bless you and your family!

kozimom said...

God bless you! Thank you for sharing part of your story. It helps to know that other homeschooling families have children and situations that aren't perfect, too. Sometimes that is the only scene that is set - a scene of perfection and it's hard for those of us who face difficult things/choices with our children. Thank you for your example of love and grace! It's a wonderful reminder to me today!

Sue said...

Indeed children are gifts from God, I am so thankful that God loves me so much that he will only let me stay in places that he doesn't want me to be for just so long ! So many times I too have harbored resentment, about certain situations but in His mercy God would show me how wrong I was. You are a very Godly example for your family, and others, and what a great mentor you are too!, Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts this month on seasons of our life, my life has been enriched so much.
Congratulations on the good news of a new grandbaby!

podso said...

I appreciate this post so much.

Melissa G said...

Love you guys!
A boy would be wonderful! :)

Melissa G said...

But a girl would be great too! ;)

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