Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 10, 2013

31 Days - A Season of Little Ones - Part 2

Thank you for your continued encouragement to me about this series.  Some of you have messaged me personally or have commented on my Facebook page and not here, which is fine!  I am just happy that it has been a blessing and an encouragement to you.

I wanted to share a few more thoughts about life when you have Little Ones in the home.

First, I'd like to encourage you that it is never too late to make changes in how you parent.

We are completely different parents to our younger children than we were to our older children.  We've grown and learned some lessons the hard way.  I continue to be grateful for the Lord's faithfulness in leading us as parents.  Ask Him to show you exactly what your children need from you, He will guide you.

Second, don't worry that there is ONE right way.  Each family and child is different, and may need something completely different from you than their siblings.  Get to know your children.  What speaks love to their hearts?  Is it getting one on one time?  Is it receiving a gift?  Is is words of affirmation?  FIND OUT and practice it with them!

Third, find some encouraging resources.  I lived away from family and friends for years, and I found a lot of encouragement through books.  Sally Clarkson's "Seasons of A Mother's Heart" was a good book, and so was her book "The Mission of Motherhood."

I found encouragement in Karen Andreola's writings on education. You can read her wonderful blog "Moments With Mother Culture."  Take the time to visit Karen there.

Fourth, keep your relationship with your husband the top priority.  When our children were young we couldn't always go out on a date,  so we invented deck dates.  At least one evening a week, after putting the kids to bed, we would get coffee and tea and sit on our deck in the dark and look at the night sky.  We would talk and talk, and reconnect with each other.  Keeping our hearts connected was so important to us.  It let him know that I was not 'all about the kids' only and it let me know that he valued me as more than a mommy.  We were in this season together, we were going to survive this crazy season with an intact marriage!  And we have!

Tomorrow we'll talk about the season of teenagers in the home!  Won't that be fun!


Cheryl said...

Read this late last night, and almost forgot to come back today to say "yes!"

Again, yes, to these sage words to young moms (and even the older ones). I agree that the first step is to ask our loving Father for <iHis</i guidance, for He loves our children more than we do and He has promised wisdom to those who seek it.

Finding encouraging resources is sooooooo helpful!

I love hearing about your "Deck Dates"! What a fabulous way to stay connected to your husband in the midst of all the craziness.

Sue said...

I so agree it is never to late to make changes, getting to know each child individually is the key, I once heard my mother say,"I don't love one of my children more than the other, I have to love them differently." I never forgot her wonderful words, and years later I found this to be true when we started my own family.
The date nights with husband, I truly relate to, dh and I always had, and still have a date night, I look forward to it now as much as I did then. I guess by now Deanna, you are realizing how much I am enjoying your series. Thank you for sharing.

Vee said...

Yes! I know that you have lots of material for that post! I wish that more couples would realize how brief the parenting will be in comparison to the marriage. So important!

Simple Home said...

So well said! We've so made many mistakes in our parenting, but God has blessed us in spite of ourselves :)

Thank you so much for your encouraging words on my blog. I've missed my blogging friends.

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