Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April Note Card Party

Having fun with Vee's Note Card Party!  If you don't already participate or follow this monthly party, you should give it a try!

I am longing to see the beautiful flowers in my garden, so I decided to make cards with photos from the past few years.

Thank you for stopping by.  I hope you enjoyed a taste of Spring and Summer!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It seems like when flowers have rain drops on them, they are even more beautiful. You chose such beautiful photos for the note card party. Have a blessed week! Hugs, Diane

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful spring notecards! Thanks for visiting. Happy Easter to you!

Cheryl said...

Oh, these are beautiful! No wonder you're longing for garden weather!

podso said...

Beautiful flowers. Great hope for spring! A nice card set..

Sue said...

These are so lovely Deanna,I love to see water drops on the petals, just adds so much to the photo, Indeed these would make lovely notecards! Thanks for sharing.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Oh, your flowers look so pretty - hope it warms back up - woke to 2 inches of snow this morning.

Happy card day! happy spring!

Wanda said...

Just vibrant and brilliant colors. What lovely flowers and note cards.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

A delightful set of Spring note cards Deanna!
Your header is lovely - such warm homely images.

Snap said...

Spring will spring! These are all beautiful. I can see why are more than ready to hit the garden! I love the iris ... one of my favorite flowers. Thanks for my morning smile.

Theresa said...

Beautiful flowers make the prettiest cards:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cranberry Morning said...

These are beautiful! There's something so fresh and springtime about flowers with raindrops on them. Can't wait until we can see flowers here. We're getting another 8" snow. wah. Lovely note cards and flowers are always such a perfect theme!

Vee said...

A glimpse of the delights to come. My fav is the it the raindrops? the white and yellow? the peek into the neighborhood beyond? all of the above? I don't know, but it is scrumptious.

Stephanie said...

Gorgeous Spring flowers! We don't have any here in the mountains (maybe in another month we will) so it's nice looking at yours :)

Have a great day!

ellen b. said...

Your flower note cards are lovely. Happy Easter to you and yours.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love flowers and you have such a pretty selection here. Each one makes a delightful note card!

Linda H said...

I so enjoyed your spring blooms- spring is very late here and we've had fresh snow this a.m. These would make very cheerful notcards.

My Maine Blog said...

Your cards are lovely and are a breath of fresh air and Spring to me since we just had another 3-4 inches of snow overnight here in Maine. I am anxiously awaiting the day that I see even one little thing start to bloom and I can see the green grass growing...soon I hope. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your very kind comments.

Lorrie said...

I hope that you will soon see those flowers blooming in your garden. They are lovely photos for note cards. The ruffled, rain-speckled peony is just gorgeous.

bj said...

Just beautiful !!

Debbie said...

You got such fabulous close ups. When I try that, it gets all fuzzy. I guess you need something better than a shiny red Kodak. Ha!

I really do love all of yours and think they would make fantastic cards.

Debbie said...

By the way... How are the new Mr. and Mrs.? I hope they are blissfully enjoying married life.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Beautiful...that LILY is gorgeous!

Carol said...

Beautiful blooms! They are a welcome sight during the spring & summer months.


Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Those are beautiful photos! Hopefully you'll see the real deal soon! Happy Easter!

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