Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 25, 2014

Garden: A Peek At The End Of April

 The evening was coming quickly last night when I went out to snap some photos and hang out with Tim while he and Kyle loaded wood into the back of his truck.  They were reloading the wood rack at the back of the house.

These tulips in the front garden are interesting.  They open up really wide during the day, almost like a poppy.

My Cleveland Pear is gorgeous right now.  It sits on the corner of our property and adds beauty.

 It was lovely out.

 The Wild Violets are blooming in the yard right now.  I love a country yard, there are so many interesting things growing in it.  Apparently the Robins like it too.  We always have a ton of Robins.

 This Azalea has been in our garden since before we moved here.  It hangs out in the back garden near the A/C unit and the wood rack.   I was happy to see the flower buds!

 This wagon has seen better days, but it is beloved in our family.

The day lilies are looking good.  

We need to get mulch soon.  I am also happy to see my Peonies coming up and other things.  I'll get some more photos this weekend.

Also I bought some herbs this week and will do a post on them.

Have a great weekend!


Lorrie said...

A fun stroll through your garden. The pear tree blossoms are stunning, so creamy white. The Red Flyer wagon made me smile. We had one like it. I wonder if the metal versions of wagons are even being made anymore.
Have a good weekend.

The Old Parsonage said...

Everything looks so lush and green - I do love spring time!!!

I'll have to go and check our gardens!

Have a wonderful weekend!

podso said...

Your yard looks about the same stage as ours--peonies are starting to bud, and the grass is like a green carpet. My favorite time of year to mow!

Vee said...

It looks beautiful there...twilight is a pleasant time.

Cheryl said...

Spring has sprung for sure!! You have beautiful evidence there in your garden!

Sue said...

I am smiling as I am so happy that spring has finally sprung in your area, I also agree country yards really have some of the best treasures. Enjoyed all of your spring photos,the one with Kyle helping his Dad precious! Don't you just love fresh evening air in spring? Enjoy your weekend.

Theresa said...

Beautiful flowers:) I enjoy this time of year seeing all of the newness of green coming from where the ground was so cold! Have a blessed weekend dear friend, BIG HUGS!

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