Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Evenings' Coming On…

It's just Kyle and I here this evening, so he is taking a fun, time to play bath (instead of a business shower), and I am taking time to light some candles and lamps as evening is coming on.

I love my home, and am so thankful for the people that share it with me.  I heard the sure sign of Spring this evening and went out front to get some video of the geese flying and honking as they look for a place to land for the evening.  I couldn't get the video to load but will try again another day.  When I came back inside this is the sight that greeted me.

It's not fancy, but it's warm and cozy and welcoming, even to me.


As I finished this post - the girls texted that they are headed home from frisbee and could people come over?  Of course they can, especially since they are bring ice cream!


Vee said...

It's an ice cream social party! If you thought it was going to be a peaceful, quiet one might expect looking at the cozy photos of your home... ☺ Hope that Kyle made it out of the bath in time for ice cream!

Cheryl said...

And so a quiet evening turned into a "people" evening...each is good in its own way! I know that your warm and welcoming home is a popular place to gather. (Hope Kyle was able to finish his leisurely bath.) :)

Debbie said...

It's beautiful, and I love the way it welcomes the evening. I have been away from my own home so much of late that I need an evening to just light the candles and relax in it.

Sue said...

As I was reading this I was thinking how beautiful, warm and cozy your home is, I love lamp light,and candles, so soft. I find the main mark of a Home instead of a house is that the doors are always open to welcome family and friends. I also find it refreshing that your girls text to ask.Like You, I am so thankful for my home, most times when I arrive home, unlock the door and step in I offer a prayer of thanksgiving.. Thanks for sharing, Blessings,

Lorrie said...

Cozy and welcoming, beautiful with just a few and beautiful with many. That's a home as it's meant to be.

Rebecca said...

Lamp light is SO beautiful....Ice cream is SO tasty!

Theresa said...

Warm and cozy to me too:) Enjoy your evening dear friend! A happy home is made with love:) HUGS!

Brenda said...

I love candles too! Your house looks cozy and homey. What a blessing you have in your family.

deborah said...

It looks so cozy! I love my home too and am thankful for a place to call home and people to love and taking time to rejoice in it all.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...