Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ladies Book Study

Have any of you read this book?

The ladies of my church are reading right now, and getting together once a month to discuss it.  Last night we discussed chapter two "My Life Is In Your Hands."  So very good.  This chapter discussed Humility and Submission in relation to God.

In Isaiah God says of Himself:

I Am God.
I alone explain the past and the future.
My purposes will stand, unaltered by any force.
I will do what I please.
I will do what I said I would do.
I will accomplish what I have planned.

The author says, "This is where humility and submission begin: we leave God to act in everything.  We acknowledge that our lives are in his hands.  This is the threshold from which we step into discipleship."

God is bringing this message over and over lately.  I am wondering what He is preparing me for, perhaps just to pass along this encouragement and challenge.


Theresa said...

I have not read that book! Looks like a good one:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

It can get frightening to imagine what God is preparing us for... You have shared a great truth: God is sovereign. He will do what He will do.

podso said...

It looks like a good book for discussion. So often I want to be in charge and take over for God.

Cheryl said...

I am thinking that submission to God's will no matter what is a hard lesson for everyone...and yet it is the basis of faith. Do I trust Him regardless? If not, then I don't really trust Him.

That said, I think it is a continual choice, a continual testing...

Rebecca said...

I'm glad to be alerted to this book....It looks/sounds quite though-provoking and challenging. I am thinking about the words "threshold from which we step into discipleship"... I'd like to think I'm well over the threshold, but with each challenge I encounter in life I find myself back at it again!

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