Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 7, 2014

Prayer Conference - Part One

Tim and I haven't been to any kind of conference except of the Home Education kind, in the last 20 years probably.

Our good friends asked us if we would like to go with them to a prayer conference, at the Bible school that their son attends, and where our daughter Emma is planning to attend this fall.  We agreed and Friday we set out together on a 10 hour drive to South Carolina.  

The time flew and before we knew it we were arriving, got settled in, had supper and the first session of the conference - which I wrote about on Friday.

Saturday morning, which is what I want to write about today, one of the speakers shared with us the "one liners" that he has collected over the years that lead him into worship during his prayer time.  This conference was not about corporate prayer, though that is important, it was about personal, daily time in communion with the Lord.  It wasn't a conference about how to have quiet time - read this - pray for those on your prayer list - done.

No, it was about getting before the Lord to seek His face in worship and fellowship with Him, to hear His voice.  The focus was on worshipping the Lord personally.

Here are a few that were meaningful to me.

"Your thoughts of God are too human" - Martin Luther

"Jesus doesn't come to put us in jail, He comes to rescue us!" - Ken Davis

Psalm 103 is the Believers Hymnbook - He forgives, heals, redeems, crowns, satisfies, and executes righteousness.

"The truest expression of trust in God will always be worship" - RC Sproul

We may open the Word, but God must open the understanding.

Do you know this chorus?

"My redeemer is faithful and true

Everything He has said, He will do

And every morning His mercies are new

My Redeemer is faithful and true."


Cheryl said...

Oh, Deanna...through tears I thank you for sharing this beautiful song with its beautiful, faith-building message this morning. So, so true. The words went straight to my heart...

He is a good and a faithful Lord!

Vee said...

No, I did not know the chorus and it is a good one to know. Wonderful quotes! So glad that you had the time away, that you learned such good things, and that you shared it.

podso said...

I don't think I've heard the song either, great words. and thanks for sharing the quote. It sounds like a good conference.

deborah said...

I really like that comment about Psalm 103. And hooray to a an encouraging time away at the conference!

Karen said...

Yes, I do know that song-and love it!

Sounds like a wonderful conference. Prayer is one of those things that is so easy to get lazy about, at least for me. Those one-liners are a good idea to keep prayer time fresh.

Sue said...

This is so refreshing to my spirit, Deanna,very inspiring quotes, and the hymn is so encouraging, Psalm 103 is one of my favorites! Thank you for sharing, I am so glad you and your dh could get away for the conference, I can only imagine how refreshed you both are.

Debbie said...

I had never heard that song before, or at least if I have, I don't remember it. I loved it, and I love the quotes you posted too. A conference on prayer sounds just wonderful. Actually, just getting away with other believers right now would be exactly what the Great Physician ordered. I would love to.

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