Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 14, 2014

Scenes From A Week

 This past week flew by.  I'm beginning to feel too busy again, but I think with 20 days of school left, and my real foods class ending this week, things will settle down soon.

Our weather has been beautiful as well and we are all soaking up the sunshine and delightfully fresh air.  We also are holding our noses as we drive by the Amish farms - the manure is not making the air all that delightful.

I took the younger kids along this week when I took Rachel to her cello lesson.  The parking is an issue but there is this little community park just up the street!  The 30 minute lesson time went by so quickly as they played.  It was three o'clock in the afternoon and we had the whole place to ourselves.  

 The sky is gorgeous, isn't it?  I love late Spring!

I was able to clear out the front garden this week too.  Signs of Spring are everywhere.

 The poor garden is in need of mulch.  We didn't do any care of this area last year, because we thought my parents house was going to sell, and this spot was going to be torn up and a porch added.  So we have a bit of extra work to do in here!

 These are mini daffodils, that the previous owner planted.  They come up faithfully every year.  We've owned our cottage 13 years this Autumn.  

See those dark red shoots?  My favorite peony is coming up!

On Saturday, my parents requested the help of the younger kids to give them a hand with their yard work.  So we rounded up the chickens and put them in the dog run.
 This is Mariah and Charlotte Lucas.

 My Mom and Dad's house.

 Kamryn had spent the night with her Daddy, so she was there too! She loves to 'help.'

Tim and I ran some errands while the kids helped.  We went to one of the farms in a private growers group we've joined.  Organic produce, grass feed meats, and raw dairy is available.

We also were on the look out for a mower battery, and a local paint store had buy one, get one free on gallons of paint!  Yes, we did chose a color, but I'll show you in another post!

It was so delightful out I took photos while we were zipping along in Tim's truck.
 I love old farmhouses!

 This is a cool house.  You can see the original log cabin on the end and then the farmhouse attachment - both are old.

We hadn't had a day to be out and about together for a very long time!  It was so fun!

How was your week?


Cheryl said...

This beautiful spring weather is energizing, isn't it? You have had a busy week, but filled with good things! And school is coming to a close at your house. Not sure when we'll be finished yet, but I think it will be earlier than last year!

I can smell that country air as you describe it! :D

Farrah said...

You sound wonderfully busy! The organic farm sounds the best. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

Vee said...

Beautiful old Pennsylvania farmhouses...that last makes me smile because it's closer to the road than we are. Little things make me happy. Soon the air will smell of lilacs if it doesn't already. We always notice manure day on the farm above us and shut up the windows. It can be intense and you have more farm country around you than we do. Kamryn looks so cute helping. Just a month of school. Wow. That is great. Bet all the scholars are eager for the end of this year. (Course I know that they'll keep reading and using their skills all summer. ;>) Keep having fun, Rabes!

Sue said...

Spring does seem to energize us all,It seems you have been enjoying it and busy like me, however we are expecting freezing temps. tomorrow night, loved all of your spring photos, the farmhouses are so lovely I enjoy riding with my dh and taking drive by photos.
Thanks for sharing.

Rebecca said...

I enjoy reading of all the outside activity - so healthy; so productive!

Lorrie said...

Just a month of school left? We end here at the end of June so there's a ways to go. It is lovely to spend time with husbands. Love the old farmhouses but I'd be happy not to smell the liquid gold being poured on the fields.

podso said...

Love seeing those stone farmhouses!

Debbie said...

I love that house in the last photo! I have loved stone houses since I was a little girl. They don't have them around here, of course. I love that you can even see the log cabin part.

I would love a day at the park with children. I gave myself a little respite yesterday and walked alone at the local botanical gardens. Two different moms were there with kids, and it just looked so wonderful to me. I was trying not to be a creepy stalker.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...