Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

We love Easter.  It is a time for us to focus on what Jesus did for us on the cross, making atonement for our sin.  We also love to celebrate His Resurrection and the fact that we too can have New Life!

On Thursday, we met at the church building for a special project.  You can read about it here.  It really looks amazing!  It was really neat too, that we were able to have it done for our Breakfast at church on Sunday morning.  We meet pondside at a local park on Easter mornings, to sing and read some scripture then pray.  Afterward we go over to the church and eat breakfast together before Sunday School.  The room looked amazing and open and having it all one unified space is terrific!

The kids colored some eggs.  We've never taught our kids about the Easter bunny, (I've never figured out how a bunny brings eggs anyway) we talk about how in older times eggs were a simple of new life.  And we like to make our eggs beautiful colors!

After church we had my parents, my niece, Nate and Kay and Kamryn, Lindsay and Joseph, our friend Denny, and our friends the Bustis here for lunch.  We had ham, green beans, broccoli salad, cheesy potatoes, jello salad, sweet french bread rolls, Lemon Delight and Homemade Lemon cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream frosting!  It was good!

Here is a link to the most amazing lemon cupcakes.  Very lemony, a tiny bit tart that is offset by the buttercream!  

We had an egg hunt for the kids in the late afternoon, little candies and my mom always does some eggs with money.  The kids have so much fun hunting them.  One of the kids told me that one of our hens was pecking at one of the plastic eggs!  I'm sure she was confused as to what this might be!

 My lovely niece Kaitlin.  She and my mom had front row seats to the egg hunt action!

 Our sweet friend Amy, and Emma pouring over the new James Avery catalog.

 The newlyweds in on a fun conversation.  They spent a good portion of the beautiful day on horseback.  It's fun to see them take the horses out for a ride.  The horses are out of shape after a long winter of eating and standing around, so it's good for them to get some exercise!

 Joshua and Kamryn.  She says "We are best friends."  They are eating their cute snack Rachel made them.

 Here it is.  I made the little signs so that the kids would know which one was theirs.

My beautiful Emma and Kamryn at church yesterday!

I hope that you all had a wonderful day focusing on the JOY that Jesus' death, burial and resurrection gives to us!


Estelle's said...

I so enjoyed this post Deanna! Looks like a beautiful spring Easter day!

Cheryl said...

I loved seeing all the photos of your beautiful Resurrection day celebration! So many sweet faces there at your cottage, enjoying what sounds like a mouth-watering meal, great fellowship, and lots of fun!

podso said...

It looks like a wonderful day of celebrating the Resurrection with family and friends. Cute little snacks for the kiddos! Looks like your winter is over!

Vee said...

It looked like a beautiful day on so many levels. I think Kamryn did a terrific job with her haircut, but don't tell her that I think so. Ha! I really liked those snacks representing the empty tomb. Very neat.

Debbie said...

Lovely pictures from a clearly lovely day all the way around. I love the one of the newlyweds. They just fit like two puzzle pieces, don't they? The empty tomb dessert was really creative!
Now, I need to click that link and see if I missed that post or forgot it already due to old age.


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