Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Great Quotes

"God is more willing to forgive your sin, than you are to confess them."  Charles Spurgeon

"Thirty seconds in confession…what inspiration is there with our heads remaining in the trash can of our sin."  Joseph Carroll

New hydrangea bought at Costco!

I really love those quotes.  How many times do we stay in the pit because we keep dwelling on our sin.  Confess it and then thank Him for his forgiveness.  He remembers it no more.

I am still pondering all I heard this weekend and trying to put it into practice.


Sue said...

Love the quotes too! One of the best things about retreats is coming home and savoring the moments and the things, that were taught, and applying them. Your Hydrangea blooms are beautiful, one of my favorite flowers, I have not had much luck in growing them in times past but I keep working on them. ~smile~
Enjoy your day,

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Great quotes! I'm reading even if I can't comment often. Hubby is not home at the moment so I have the computer. It is mine. All mine. For about an hour. :)

Rebecca said...

I like "one-liners" too. So succinct and concentrated with truth & challenge. Glad you had this opportunity. What a privilege to carry EVERYthing to God in prayer!

Cheryl said...

These are great and inspiring quotes! It is indeed hard to comprehend the mercy and grace of our God!

Vee said...

Beautiful header! Beautiful hydrangea...wonderful quotes!

Go, Brenda, go!

podso said...

Good quotes and nice hydrangeas!

Debbie said...

Such wonderful quotes. Charles Spurgeon is my very favorite of what my class calls, "Debbie's old dead men", (I have no idea why they think one can be old AND dead, but that's what they call my favorite old commentators. )

On the topic? I can say with this stuff with my mouth a hundred times, yet there are times when the old habit of dwelling creeps into my head. A favorite trick of Satan, I know.

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful quotes and flowers!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love this! Debbie's old dead men!

Yes, we can know it and still fall into it!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You're right Rebecca!

Hope your doing well!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Glad you're reading! Thinking of Stephanie this weekend, as she and Sarah and Joel are doing the conference! Oh, I wanted to go so badly!


Stephanie said...

Hello Mrs. Rabe! I am stopping by via Cheryl's blog. I saw your name and it reminded me of someone I knew in college who was also a Rabe :)

Your blog is simply wonderful - it's a blessing to meet other Christian ladies online. I am a happy new follower and I eagerly look forward to visiting again. Have a beautiful week!

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