Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Home Education: Planning

We have been on our summer break since the beginning of May.  I got in the habit of starting our school year at the beginning of August years ago, so we would be done before our state homeschool convention which is usually Mother's Day weekend.  I found that I didn't like shopping for the next years books and materials then having to go home and finish up several weeks of the current year.  

August first is on a Monday this year and that is when I am planning to start school.  We'll have been on our break for three months by then, and by doing so, we build in flexibility to our year.  We take three weeks at Christmas, and sometimes a week at Thanksgiving, too!

So now to the planning.

Kyle and Sarah are both doing Medieval History and Anatomy and Physiology, and we do Bible memory together as well, so I will do morning time in this way -

Reading about an artist or composer

Then they will move on to their individual work in math and English.

Kamryn will be doing Kindergarten this year, and so she will be here for the morning time and when Kyle and Sarah move on to their independent work, I'll work with her on reading and math skills.

Kyle and Sarah should be done shortly after lunch and Kamryn by lunchtime.  If I am watching her that day, I'll read aloud to her then she'll have a rest time listening to music or an audio 
drama.  After that she will play or do art (she loves art!).  

Typical afternoon activities for Kyle and Sarah are reading, legos, drawing, listening to music or audio dramas, playing outside.  We view all of this as part of our lifestyle of learning.

I do not give them busy work.  I want them to do real things, to learn by being as hands on as possible.  We read a lot, as well! 

I follow Charlotte Mason's advice on what kids should have as a part of everyday -

  • Something or Someone to love
  • Something to do
  • Something to think about

I love how my children are thriving, and I am looking forward to starting our 'official school year' again.


Lucy@heart and hearth said...

Very interesting..
Sounds like you're having a great summer..
Mine is going too quickly..

Cheryl said...

I homeschool planning!!

Vee said...

Time does fly! Sounds as if it will be a fun and interesting year.

Patti said...

I do miss those homeschool days! Can't believe my kids have been out of school for 6 and 8 years. Those were some of the most precious days of my life.

We always followed a Charlotte Mason-style education.

Karen said...

August 1 isn't giving you much time to come visit me-Wah! I'm guessing the details never worked out?

Best wishes as you get set for another year of wonder, fun, laughs, and even the occasional frustration. So worth it!

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