Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 11, 2016

Valley Forge and A Birthday Party

It's been a whirlwind of activity around here, and Alicia and I are enjoying time, after the household goes to bed, to talk and share and encourage each other.  The work of Motherhood is challenging and hard, but full of joy and reward.  We both love it.

On Saturday we went to Valley Forge National Park.  The Continental Army, under General George Washington, spent the winter of 1777-1778 here.  If you ever get the chance to visit you should!  They have a great little museum in the visitors center, a good movie that gives you an idea of what went into building an encampment for approximately 6000 men.

We toured the home that Washington moved into with his staff and Martha (who came to spend the winter with him), drove along the Encampment road to see replica huts the men built, statues, and arch that was erected in their honor in 1977.

The kids completed a junior ranger program and got sworn in and received badges.  Aren't they the cutest?

Sunday evening we had a birthday party for Sarah!  She is 14 today!

These young people are terrific!  They love Ultimate Frisbee and English Country Dancing.

IMG_1785 from Deanna Rabe on Vimeo.

I was talking to my friend Jen last night about how much I love this group of young people.  I have enjoyed being their dance caller, and getting to be a friend to them.  They are all growing up and some are young adults now.  Just like Joseph and Lindsay, and Emma and Vinnie, they will begin to marry and begin their families.  I hope that in the years to come they will get together to dance and enjoy their sweet friendships.  I also hope they will invite me to come and call their dances and enjoy being a part of their fun!

Today we are going to a creek to wade and play.

What are you up to?


podso said...

The dance looks complicated, but they seem to have learned it. Such good fun for them.

Vee said...

I agree with Dotsie! Looks complicated to me. Enjoyed seeing the tour of Mt. Vernon, too.mI was last there in my sixteenth year. That was a long, long time ago!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...