Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

"Time Seems To Go Faster Here"

Alicia and her boys have seen the days fly by, and commented on it several times.  "It seems as if everyone just got up and got going and now its time for bed!"

What grand times we've had!  Times at the park, playing frisbee, riding horses, collecting eggs, feeding animals, playing in the creek, looking for eagles, visiting Valley Forge and seeing where George Washington was quartered for the winter and spring of 1777-1778, becoming Junior Rangers, church and playing with new friends, being here for a cousin's birthday, having cousins become best friends, swimming in Birdie and Papa's pool, going to Hershey Chocolate World, eating lots of ice cream, catching fireflies for the first time EVER!

We've had such a wonderful time together.  How I love these boys and their sweet Momma.  I feel as if she is a younger sister, but in reality she could be my daughter.  I love her tender mother's heart for her boys, her love for her husband, and her heart for her savior.  She works tirelessly each day to nurture her boys, and train them.  She's doing the most important work in the world.

We've had late night chats, lots of laughs, enjoyed seeing our kids bond, talked home education.  She was invaluable to me in doing the shower for Emma.

I have to take them to the airport today, and I am feeling mixed emotions.  I am so happy for our wonderful time together, and I am happy for them knowing that they are excited to go home and see Daddy and their own home!  Two weeks away is along time for little guys.  Alicia is looking forward to being with her best friend, her husband, my nephew. That is as it should be.

We'll always have these memories to cherish.


Cheryl said...

What a blessing your time together has been...for all of you!! Praying for safe and happy travels for them...

Melissa G said...

That sounds like a perfect summer adventure! Glad they had this time with you all!

GranthamLynn said...

Looks like your having a great summer. Great pics.

Theresa said...

Time goes by too fast. I love the picture of the little ones holding hands:) hugs

Linda said...

What a special time!!! I so loved the video snippet!
You are an amazing hostess!

Sylvia said...

Summer is going by too fast!Love all the photo's. They are cooling off in the creek! It's been a hot one.

Patti said...

It's always so hard to say goodbye to people we love. I always hate that part of the visit.

I love your relationship with Alicia. That is how Titus 2 is carried we "older" women build into the lives of those following along behind us. I know you are a real blessing to her.

Hope you're having a lovely day,

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...