Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Beautiful Saturday Morning

I'm sitting out on the deck this morning.  It's 65 degrees on a July morning.  That is unbelievable!


The roosters are crowing, and the hens clucking loudly this morning.  Today we are having a dear family with young kids over for the late afternoon and dinner.  It's hard to find time to get together, but it's so worth it!  We've been friends for about 7 years now, right after they had their fourth child.  They now have seven! (they have us beat by one!) We just love this active, busy crew.  Can't wait to spend sometime with them today!

I'm enjoying the beauty of the Butterfly bushes  around the house.  I thought they had all died in the long, cold winter we had 3 winters ago, but they've made it back and are more beautiful than ever!  

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


GranthamLynn said...

Lovely post. I miss having chickens! You have a Blessed life.
Thank you for sharing.
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Cheryl said...

As we had coffee time in the sun room this morning, Ron and I discussed this very thing...that it is so worth it to carve time out of our lives for fellowship. Hosting is sometimes inconvenient and sometimes costly and sometimes tiring, but always worth it!!

podso said...

Hope you are having a good time with your friends. The memories you make are good for your children too.

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