Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

A Playdate With The Horses

One of the blessings of having horses is that we can share the fun with friends.  Kamryn's friends from co-op were able to come on Monday, along with their big sister and mom, to ride horses in our arena.  Lindsay was the charge of teaching and instructing, while I sat in the shade and was in charge of drinks. (I liked my job!)

Sandi and Lindsay

Lindsay understands what its like to be horse crazy as a kid and not have access to a horse!  She is good at sharing her horse Sandi and my dad's horse Cheyenne.

Kamryn has had lessons from Auntie Lindsay last year, and she remembered a lot!
She had so much fun riding with her friends!

It was fun to watch these girls ride.  They are all naturals, and quick learners.

I'll be away a few days.  We're off to see our new grandbaby, Clark!  I probably won't be able to blog, but I will update on FB and Instagram.  If you follow me there, prepare to see lots of grandbaby photos!


Vee said...

What a wonderful activity! Kamryn looks extremely happy. You will have such a sweet time visiting Em and family. Bring on the Baby Clark photos! said...

We're going to Sight & Sound in July, will any of your children be working with the animals this year?

Jan said...

Enjoy that new grandbaby!

Rhonda said...

I had horses growing up and sure miss them. There's nothing like a horse - they aren't pets - they are a part of the family! Have fun visiting that new grandbaby :)

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Having horses is a dream of my daughter. What a nice day all had. Have a good visit loving on uour grandbaby .

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoy your time away... of course you will, with that new grandbaby to see and kiss! Great photos of your family and friends with the horses.

Cheryl said...

Great opportunity for those littles! I am sure that Lindsay is an enthusiastic teacher!

Blessings on your travels! I can see you smiling from here!

Estelle's said...

now this was my all time back riding....I fell in love with horses as a young girl and practically lived at the stables for many years....marvelous photos Deanna.

Kim said...

Nothing better than an afternoon with the horses...well, except for a visit with a new grand baby! Enjoy that visit!!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...