Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 1, 2018

Friday Five: Garden Edition

This edition of Friday Five has what is blooming as of June 1st, 2018.

1. Peonies
The peonies are almost finished for the year, but they were beautiful while they were in bloom!

2. Roses

3. White Iris
 These Iris are daintier than my purple Iris. They are a very nice flower in my cottage garden.

4. Bleeding Heart
 The Bleeding Heart has grown and is amazingly still blooming.  I love its delicate flowers.

5.  Columbine
I only have one plant of Columbine, but I hope to divide it next year.  It has been so pretty in the garden this year!

I was at our homeschool convention today, and then Tim and I were treated to dinner out with sweet friends. 

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!


Sandi said...

It's good to see beautiful flowers!

I am a homeschooler too, Deanna. Mine are 11 and 13.

Elizabethd said...

Columbines are so pretty but thy do seed alarmingly fast! I have had to dig up several plants that appeared in the wrong places. I'm waiting for my peony to open...soon I hope.

Theresa said...

Beautiful blooms:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I've homeschooled my 6 kids, 4 have graduated, so I have 2 to go, ages almost 16 and almost 13. I love home education!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I didn't know that about Columbine! Something to think about. Enjoy your peony!

Cheryl said...

This is a pretty edition of Friday Five!

I was surprised to see that your bleeding heart is still blooming! It is such a pretty and charming plant. I have admired them for years but never had one in my yard. Ron surprised me with one for Mother's Day, so I eagerly anticipate having my own little hearts next spring!

windmillwishing said...

Wow everything is so beautiful. You have such nice weather. Texas is already blazing hot.

Vee said...

All so lovely! I see that the irises are blooming!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Rebecca said...

We've enjoyed several of the same blooms YOU have! And apparently we're at the same stage with most of them. Sure wish I could keep peonies blooming longer. They are so charming. Our roses are all white. Wish I had a red or two... We've spent a good day in the yard. It was much cooler and conducive to some of the more strenuous projects. Sounds like you've had a busy week. Glad you got to enjoy a nice meal "out"! ♥

Debby Ray said...

These blooms are so gorgeous! Love the colors!

Kim said...

Your garden looks lovely!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

They are such sweet flowers!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We usually are much warmer by now. We've had so much rain this spring! Its so unusual!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Yes! Your question was the reason I did this post.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I've had a unique thing happen with a few of my older climbing roses. One was white and is now red, and one was a pink and is now red too!

Home Keeping

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