Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday Five

Our longtime friends have arrived for their summer visit, and the girls leave tomorrow for a youth conference!  Always something happening at the cottage!  Onto the five!

1.  Local Strawberries!
 I made these local berries into a low carb dessert, by lightly frying a low carb tortilla, I added some dark chocolate that melted, the strawberries, and some homemade whipped cream.  Delightful!

2. and 3. My sweet friend Cheryl knows me well!  She gave me this darling mug when Tim and I spent the day with her and Ron!

4. Kyle is growing up!
 He's my height now and getting a bit of a moustache!  He says he'll have to shave before he's 13 (which happens in August)!  He's not so sure about this!

5. This photo.  It slays me.  Tim and Klaire love each other.  This photo by Rachel says it all!

Happy Weekend, Everyone!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

My husband was surprised at how low carb strawberries are (and most berries). Yum.

Linda said...

Happy Weekend! Love you and your family!

Sandi said...

Love the Harry & Meghan mug!

And the snuggle-hug photo at the end. :) Have a great day!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Love your dessert picture!!!

Kim said...

So many sweet pictures of summer! And your baby growing up, shaving...mine graduated high school yesterday. Too fast...

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