Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Garden: Improvements and Dreams

I writing my thoughts out here on the blog, so that I have a place to keep my ideas.

The first thing that needs to happen is replacing the picket sections of the fence.  Then everything needs a fresh coat of paint.

The chickens will not stay out of the garden, and keep scratching dirt on the walk way.  Any ideas, chicken owners?

I'm working on my sitting area in the garden.  I'm not sure how it will work out, so for now, I have my chairs on the walkway. (I think I mentioned we don't enter the house this way)  I just got my table yesterday, and I'll show you them tomorrow.

I've made improvements in my plantings as I added two new roses this year!

This is the Princess Alexandra of Kent rose from David Austin Roses.  So lovely!

I've also sewn my zinnia seeds and I'm eager to see them come up!

This garden is my cutting garden also and includes coneflower, blackeyed susans, feverfew, hydrangea, peonies, hollyhock.

Part of the improvements for the front garden is the replacement of our living room bow window which looks out into the garden.  This is an original window in this thirty plus year old house and has seen better days.  I'd like something flat not bowed, as our long term plans are for this space to have a porch, so the garden space will change.

Most of the plants will move to an area I am dreaming of transforming.  The chickens are there right now - a fenced in dog run.  Their coop is attached to it.  But if we move the chickens to the pasture and fence them in there, where they can free range etc, then we'd remove the fencing and I would use the concrete pad to  create a sitting area.  My eventual dream would be to have a 'she shed' space.  A place I can use to host tea parties, bridal showers and baby showers.  Of course, the shed wouldn't be big enough to have everyone in it, but it would be a center point of the event and tables and chairs could be placed around it!  I consider all of this as part of my gardens.

she shed

Move over "Man Caves," It's All About "She Sheds" Now!
Both photos found on my Pinterest Board 'She Shed' found here.

Isn't this fun?

What are you dreaming of for your garden?


Connie said...

Sounds like you have a lot of plans and a lot of work a head of you. I love working outside in the yard and garden and will be looking forward to seeing what you do. Here's wishing you perfect weather and beautiful results to your hard labor. Above all enjoy the process and have fun :)
Connie :)

Debby Ray said...

It's nice to just sit and write down your plans. I should do it more than I do because I seem to forget them sometimes...that's where Pinterest comes in...thank goodness for Pinterest! I would love to have a She Shed one day also...hmmm...maybe I will turn our camper into one once we get the house built!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Great aspirations. Love the idea of a she shed.

Elizabethd said...

I think every woman yarns for her very own shed!

Elizabethd said...

Spelling, should read.......yearns!

podso said...

It looks like some creative ideas for outside space! Hope your dreams come true!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Wow! Those she-sheds are beautiful. Your dreams look very doable, Deanna. I will miss being able to cut flowers and bring them in the house. My dream now is to buy some potted plants for our apartment deck. Quite a downsize from last year's garden. It's all good, though. Have fun . Love that rose! Hugs.

Kim said...

I have a cabana near my pool, it's a perfect little structure and every year I say I am going to make it into my very own "she shed" far it's just a place for pool floats and wet towels. Not very glamorous at all. 😆

Vee said...

The She Shed is a fun room here for anything like that, but I think it could work for you! Princess Alexandra is beautiful. May she do very well in your garden. Just think how bug and slug free your garden is with your little chicken gardeners! ☺

Cheryl said...

I think it is fun to dream and plan! Sometimes the dreams and the plans change, but it's all a part of making improvements in our little corner of the world. The "she shed" sure looks like a fun place to "anchor" a party! Keep us posted!

Lorrie said...

A She Shed! What a wonderful idea! It's fun to dream and plan. Love the new Princess in your garden - such a pretty colour.

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...