Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 18, 2018

Normal Stuff For A Missionary Family

Tim's sister Esther always shows my blog to their mom so I try to post photos of the family that I know she'll want to see.

This photo is one of them.

Tim's brother Dan and our sister in law Sharon came by Sunday to say farewell, for now.  They leave on Tuesday to go back to Senegal, West Africa.  We love and appreciate them. 

Their daughters live near to us, all adults now and Uncle Tim helps them with questions about their cars or something with the house.  They are independent and don't need us for much, but its nice getting together for Thanksgiving or Christmas.  

Tim grew up in a missionary family, and we are all used to separations, due to someone being in a different country or living in a different state.  I guess that has helped us all to stay close in spite of not living close to one another.  We know that even if we don't talk often, when we get together we pick right back up!  

We have family spread out from coast to coast, in Alaska, in Hawaii, and in Africa.  We are very thankful for Social Media (we follow each other and keep in touch) and for other technologies that allow us to keep in touch.

Thirty years ago, Tim's sister was in Africa and if she needed to call stateside it cost her $7.00 per minute! Tim's parents used to record their kids and send them home through the mail, so the grandparents could hear the kids! Now they could email, Skype, Marco Polo, or use What'sApp to be in instant contact!  

We are grateful for our extended family, and for God's grace in our relationships.


Vee said...

Many blessings as they return to service as missionaries in Senegal. You named some ways to stay in touch that I have never even heard of...this blogging is so informative!

podso said...

I love that I still have cassette tapes we sent home to my parents to hear the kids' voices. But, yes, separations seem a bit easier now with the ease of keeping in touch. We could not have dreamed it'd be so easy years ago!

Lorrie said...

Technology is a boon to families spread around the globe. During our early years in Ecuador, letters were the only way to keep in touch. I well remember the advent of email and the wonderful thing it was, soon followed by Skype (or earlier versions). They assuaged the loneliness and distance a lot. Blessings as your family members return to Senegal.

Theresa said...

Great picture:) What would we do without our connection thru the internet! It makes the distance NOT SO distant! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

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