Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 25, 2018

Tea With Friends

My favorite place to have tea in our area is The Tea Trolley, in Delta, Pennsylvania.  Its a 20 minute drive, but they serve a real Afternoon Tea.

One of my favorite things to do is to share my friends with other friends.  Overtime, if you are my friend you'll get to know other friends of mine.  Sometimes these friends meeting blossom into friendships of their own.

Jane, on the left, has been my great friend for 29 years!  She and my mom (second on the right) are friends, of course because we've all spent so much time together.  Jennifer and I became friends at church, and then met my mom, and they became friends. Jane and Rick, always go to church with us, and are often here when other friends come on Sundays so Jane and Jennifer became friends. Then Jennifer and I met Katie, and became friends, she got to know my mom, and then I introduced Katie and Jane by seating them at the same table for Lindsay's wedding reception.  They've become pen pals and great friends.

So Jane and Rick are visiting and we all went to Afternoon Tea on Friday.  It was wonderful and we visited for hours.  The Tea Trolley has the most amazing scones, and I bought some frozen ready to be baked!  

Tim's sister and family will be here, in and out, several times this week.  I'm thinking I need to introduce them to a proper tea.


Rhonda said...

How fun - a proper tea with friends!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I would love a place to like that.

Linda said...

I love a Tea Party!!!!

Vee said...

I am sure that they will enjoy being introduced to a proper tea. I have only been to a tea house once and “proper” it was not. Lovely gathering of friends...

Theresa said...

Sounds like the perfect way to spend time with friends! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

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