Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Creating Beauty Even When Things Aren't 'Perfect'

I've talked about our house before, how it was a true fixer upper, and that was what allowed us to afford it.  It sits on four and a quarter acres, and it was all neglected.  Bit by bit, we've transformed this property and house.  

We've been here for 17 years, and it is now time to update things.  However, we started our business almost three years ago, and there is not a chunk of money sitting around to do all the projects I have in mind. (smile)

However!  I am not one to not decorate or create spaces to enjoy beauty just because there are not funds for bigger projects!

The deck is not beautiful and new, but its what we have to work with for now and so I do what I can, little by little.  

A folding table (we already own), a few chairs purchased last year, benches found by the side of the road for free, an inexpensive tablecloth, a pretty plant in an urn and we have a delightful space to sit and read, talk with friends, and eat an al fresco dinner!

My garden sitting area is another one of these projects that have no funds for a 'proper' sitting space, but I am doing what I can.  

If you look at the walkway you can see the problem I have with the chickens in the garden.

This requires not only a broom, but a shovel to deal with the dirt that gets rained on!

In this photo you can see that we have yet to wash the house this year (we've had so much rain), and you can see the dated bow window I'd like to replace.

 I've stopped waiting on doing anything on some projects, just because I can't do everything!

Bit by bit, I'm continuing to create beautiful spaces, that while not perfect, are places that the family can enjoy and share with others.

I want to encourage you to create spaces in your homes that lift your spirits, create a sense of beauty, and provide a space for you or your family to enjoy.

As the Nester used to say, "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful."  My garden space is not perfect (there are weeds that are winning the battle) but the flowers are too pretty to miss out on.  With the table and chairs, I no longer need to sit on the front steps to enjoy my garden in the morning, or to catch the blue hour!


Sandi said...

Looks perfect to me!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It's beautiful! Our deck is going to need to be replaced in the next few years but lots of herbs and flowers make it look pretty.

I was thinking recently how, in this fallen world, things that once looked perfect are now aged (not talking about me for I was never perfect but otherwise it fits!). ;)

Rhonda said...

I love this post - it really hits home to me. We always have so many things that need to be done around here and I doubt there will ever be enough funds available to do them all. But this is home and we are comfortable here. Those projects aren't going anywhere so we just work around them. To me beautiful is old, chippy, banged up, well worn, full of character. I love that saying, "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful!" I think your home is perfectly beautiful!

Estelle's said...

You can always create beauty on very little Deanna...I am not sure the younger generation realizes this! It is certain you have a warm and lovely home with conversations, laughter and warmth...that's evident upon every visit....have a beautiful weekend!

Elizabethd said...

Little by little.... It's surprising how beauty can be found in the simplest of things.

Vee said...

You have done a wonderful job of creating outdoor rooms. I purchased a power washer last week when I was going to hire someone to wash the house and realized that I could do it myself less expensively. Now I realize that this will be my summer’s work...power washing and painting. I have some punky boards on the deck so I think I will pry them up and take them to Lowe’s for replacements. I can do that, right? (You do know that the contractor/carpenter’s wife is the last one to get her stairs? Or so John always told me.)

Kim said...

I think it all looks fabulous. Enjoy your beautiful gardens. Your flowers take the cake!!

Cheryl said...

Inspiring words here today! Yes!! If we wait until everything is just right, we will have missed out on days (years!) of living a beautiful life!

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