Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 21, 2018

A Little Something

See these sweet little jars with the copper lids?  I got them in the Dollar Spot at Target this week.  Three dollars for three jars.  The M&M's cost more!

Don't you just love finding a little something sweet like this?  Each one holds 16 ounces, so they are a nice size for treats, or using for gifts.  I'm going to use one to make a basic sewing kit for Rachel.  I'll include a few basic threads, some needles, a few safety pins.  Just the kinds of things a student living away from home needs to repair a seam or something like that.  I'm hoping to find another set of three today when I go out shopping.

I hope you have a good weekend.  Embrace Autumn tomorrow!  My favorite season is here!


  1. I love those 'little somethings' that add a sparkle to one's life. The sewing kit is a lovely idea.

  2. Oh I hope that the wee copper-lidded jar is large enough for a pair of those spring-loaded snips. One must have a pair of those when mending. Very cute sewing kit!

    1. Yes, the little scissors would be a great addition! Cute jars, I'll be on the look out for them also.

  3. Love those little jars and yes to the sewing kit! I did that as a shower "take home gift" some time ago! It was a huge hit! Enjoy your last day of Summer dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Those are so cute! My daughter-in-law finds cute stuff at that section of Target. I don't get there often because it is on the other side of the town next to me and Meijers (a Midwestern chain that is similar) is just down the road.

    I put out some Autumn decorations this week. Not many but just enough to remind me of the season.

  5. What a great find! I was just at Target, but didn't see these. I may have to go back.

  6. I almost always find some little thing at Target's Dollar Spot, whether it be a little funsie for a grandchild, a birthday tuck-in, gift tags, or a bit of house-y sparkle! Your little jars are a great find!

  7. Those little jars are perfect! Our closest Target closed and I really miss it. :(


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