Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 7, 2019

Back To School

We take a full two week break at Christmas and New Year's due to family birthdays and our anniversary,  too!  Today we are back to school!

Today we are starting Introduction to the Constitution, a free online course with Hillsdale College.  They have wonderful resources on their website. (here)  Sarah has done their course on C.S. Lewis and I'm part way through a course on Jane Austen.  

Hillsdale College Online Courses Introduction to the Constitituion

We will do the all of Hillsdale College's Constitution courses, and I think that in the years to come Kyle will do many of their courses.  They are made of a lecture by a professor or the president of the college, and a quiz, so that by the time you finish the courses you've had 10 - 12 lectures and taken that many quizzes.  When you finish a course you receive a certificate from the college stating that you've done completed the course.  I think it is wonderful preparation for college.

When Sarah did their C.S. Lewis Course, she was already a fan of his Narnia series, but after the course  she wanted to read and own all his books, and we've started collecting them for her.  She has read quite a few, and many are not fiction.  

I love the way this course excited her learning, and how she moved on to a higher level of learning.

It feels good to get back to our school routine.  I have only five more years of homeschooling, since Kyle is in 8th grade this year.  I know they'll fly by.


Linda said...

I’m amazed! I think you have home schooled longer than anyone I know!
I loved doing home school for A,bear and Benjamin!

Vee said...

Wonderful that you take that two-week break especially in your family. Two-week breaks were how it used to be for everyone not so long ago. I have signed up with Hillsdale, too, for a course on the Constitution. Not sure that I’m totally committed as I haven’t started it yet. 🙃 I had no idea that they offered the other courses such as C.S. Lewis. Has anyone there read Bandersnatch? It’s a fun book about the Inklings and how they sparked each other. Have a great semester! said...

I read the new book about C.S. Lewis and his wife..."Becoming Mrs. Lewis".

Sandi said...

Is the Constitution class good for 8th graders?

Cheryl said...

We actually came back from our break last week. I am feeling the push to get things wrapped up earlier this year, because who wants to do school work AFTER graduation? Hahaha! (I don't think Bekah finds that funny. ~wink~)

Five years left for you . . . five months left for me. How quickly the years fly . . .

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